
I feel like I'm missing why this is about "literature" and "old books." These seem true of less impressive/more recent books as well. I know it's not a LH original article, just odd.

Just really need to know what a resultant is. Can't get past this.

I love the drawing list. I also really love the idea of your mood tracking app, but it's so expensive!! I pay only a little more than that for unlimited music streaming, or for unlimited Netflix streaming (per each). I would really love to try it, but the price doesn't seem to match.

I LOVE the idea of this app, but I found that it was significantly over-counting when I tried the tutorial =/ I was on my third push-up (normal form, not like wobbling halfway up and down) and it thought I was on my sixth.

She was friendly and wanted bus info. Don't waste your time analyzing/chasing someone who already has someone else.

I really like the idea of brussels sprouts but I get too freaked out thinking about eating bugs. Weak.

Yeah, I remember that the woman who was having her retreat at a plantation had picked one with that message. I just thought it was a pretty strong assertion with no actual back-up, so I was curious if there WAS something of that nature.

Most white americans (and others) believe slavery was a few years way back when the country started, that slaves were treated kindly...

not sure if serious or troll, but it's also a flower that is found here.

also not attempting to snark: it's the top story on the Daily Mail so I think they'll do all right ;)

I don't think Jez is like HOW DARE THEY FIX THE COLOR BALANCE.

So your view is (not being sarcastic) that it's totally fine to mock something about someone's appearance that they can't help so long as they're not an oppressed group? Again, not being sarcastic, I just did not realize that the problem with fat-shaming is based on the idea that fat people are an oppressed group. I

I don't really get why this is any better than a fat joke. Not intentionally being argumentative, but it seems even less okay to short-shame someone (which they literally cannot change) than to fat-shame someone (could possibly change). I would get your point more if you were saying "this pic is funny because their

Isn't this kind of like chains.cc? They have an app as well. Maybe I'm missing something.

i know this show is old, but thank you for introducing me to this amazeballs show.

It's the best thing at Luby's! I think it's catfish, but it's always square and super fried. Ideal Luby's meal: square fish, fried okra, macaroni and cheese, cornbread muffin, that chocolate cream pie. Just don't think about your arteries while you eat.

Omggggg Luby's, I want it. The square fish needs to be eaten.

ETA: what asshats. If I was an attorney I would take this case pro bono just to spite them.

with dog pics retained, I hope.

had either of you googled the article, company, etc.? if not this is insanely creepy. actually either way it's pretty disconcerting.