I just don’t understand why the fuck anyone would do this. Is it just a show of power? To belittle the models, who are actually a necessary asset to the design houses, to keep them meek or some shit? wtf
I just don’t understand why the fuck anyone would do this. Is it just a show of power? To belittle the models, who are actually a necessary asset to the design houses, to keep them meek or some shit? wtf
I bet she’s a yapper. A cute, adorable, mind controlling yapper.
Aw, so cute! (And I am not a cat person. So extra points for this kitty.)
yayyyyyyy!!!! congratulations! may she be as siamese-y as you wish her to be!
Bring me this kitten instantly! I wish to put my face upon it to contain my squeals of joy!
*screams* She’s adorable!! And what a combo, Bengal and Meezer! Be prepared for an active, very intelligent little kitty!
I have five; three Siameses (one purebred, two rescue brothers. All are very dark seal point, and one of the boys is a snowshoe) and two tabbies (a very young mama, she’s about a year old now [she…
That cat is ridiculously gorgeous. Is bengal what cats with those kind of markings are called? I thought those were only the ones with spots, but if not, I have 2 - both were kittens in a set of 5 that showed up on my doorstep with their mother. They are very beautiful, and (after many months) finally allowing me to…
I just have to SQUEEEEE!
Get this cat an agent STAT! Too Cute.
I’m a dog person by nature, but dang, that’s a cute little cat!
Leia’s eyes are so gorgeous!
What a beauty, I want to adopt one more dog and a cat and this picture is making me want to run to my shelter and adopt all cats.
She is absolutely gorgeous! I cannot keep cats at the moment because my apartment is tiny and I am very, very poor and unemployed, but I cannot WAIT for my life to be better enough again so that I can have kitties back in my life!
She’s so cute! I imagine with that mix she will have many many things to say to you.
I’m not a cat person at all but dammit that is one adorable kitty. Would give all the belly rubs. Congrats!
She is adorable, I love the shape of her eyes. She is so “
Congratulations on Leia!!!
There are few things as amusing as cat shows, between the overdone cat “homes”, the slightly batty breed enthusiasts, and the method of showing that involves picking up, stretching and flexing the cat like a furry accordion.