
Oh, and how did that bit of map with North Dakota end up in my comment?

Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten Island have the worst drivers in the total jerk behind the wheel sort of way. Because there's a lot of total jerks here. I'm talking the real original types, not the immigrants and hipsters.

Also, if the stats are done by population most of the millions of people in NYC aren't driving at all. Stats done by miles driven would maybe be more instructive.

What's up with Vermont being 16? And Maine 10? I used to live there. The only bad drivers I ever saw were driving rental RV's. And of course, fatal moose collisions were a problem. Those things are big. I only hit a deer, and it was the only fatality. Also the front end of my car.

It's going to be replaced soon and will be more like a big Fusion, and no doubt a lot roomier and lower.

Like DCV wrote, to make a vast generalization, the Middle East in terms of religion and the state (actually, considered either together or separately) is like Europe of a thousand years ago. Cell phones, pickups, AK-47s, and big oil money aren't helping.

Air/oil, actually.

And I suppose a certain reputation for falling apart expensively, leading to clifflike depreciation. Still, like all its predecessors, the coolest car ever.

The Citroens sans wheels shows how much the C6 owes to the CX. Hadn't thought of that.

That photo of a Citroen DS floating on a pond is from a big full color glossy brochure put out in 1958 in English and probably other languages or at least in French. It was cool and arty in a way American car promotion never was up to that time. I had a copy but (damn it) it's long gone and I've never seen one on the

No it's not. Just saw one in the Stop 'n Shop parking lot. Looked fine. They are also a bit narrow or something, but I always thought the Rendevous was styled OK.

Or one could have gotten the same deal in a Buick Rendevous, which still look OK to me. No tent though.


Just to nerd out a bit, that photo is of a Super Beetle, with a windshield actually several inches away from your face, and longer wheelbase ahead of the firewall and a modern front suspension with ball joints. A far, far better car than the normal one. And VW had already, as Corvair did, gone to a rear suspension

So of course did VW and earlier Mercedes. The Corvair (maybe like the VW?) had a noncollapsible steering column with the steering box well in front of the front axle line, and of course no engine and not much structure up there either.

There was also a teeny sedan that I think was on the same platform. I knew an owner of each one. Once we put four people in the sedan. And actually went somewhere.

But you wouldn't have tempered glass then.

Where were all those not-VW's sold as VW's? Argentina?

I got a third of them, and NO I DO NOT NEED GLASSES. Other than the ones I already have on.

I guess there is a reason why Jalopnik used a photo of the last of a string of mediocre Continentals that destroyed the meaning of that name to where it meant nothing. Instead of the several cars over the years that established it. And that landau roof fake wire wheel thing....is that a Versailles or did they just