
And buying the plane. There is enough competition generally that no airline is making a killing and sometimes just the opposite. No matter how much they nickel and dime everyone to death these days.

Some are even boys these days you know.

OHMYGOD. How did anyone even survive way back then?

Because there's an magical way to carry half as many passengers and charge them the same coach fare?

Needs burl walnut.

Or you can find yourself one of these. All plastic.

Regular thick comforter type blankets would work at least for typical size hail. Install in one minute.

Here's one.

I've always also said the Bangle BMWs opened up everyone to more creativity. But that trunk just makes my skin crawl. I get the trunk-as-trunk 30's sedans. The trunk looks like a trunk because it is indeed conceptually added to what was the traditional shape, instead of strapping an actual trunk on the outside. But I

Actually, they took the idea of a Gallardo, and they made it work and fit people inside. And called it a Gallardo. Then made a different version.

That posted by itself. I was gonna say, oh, and without text boxes.

Fuck you, and why can't Jalopnik get a comment system that has flagging and can eliminate this blog destroying garbage? Oh, and

Read the comments.

Explained in about three comments.

Would you get your Alfa with no AC and no sound system and no other options?

The exchange rate is now worse than the worst time I was there.

It was explained three different ways above aleady. I'm guessing the lever and two little tracks and the teeny wheels don't weigh 342 pounds.

Once more, half the weight is for stuff a European would have on it anyway.

Wow. It took about four clicks and loading times to get to the gold, starting with clicking on that name. I wasn't entirely sure what your comment was about, but eventually it turned out to be something like what I was hoping.

Well, be sure to pay for your years of hospitalization because of the brain damage yourself so my rates don't go up.