
Maybe to keep it from blowing up as soon.

And going 100 mph over the speed limit.

In a business area.

Chrysler power steering at least by the late 50's was always 3.5 turns lock to lock. And from 1957 on they all had a more modern front suspension and more asymmetrical (front to back) rear leaf springs which all gave them the best and most precise handling by far of any American cars. Not near modern standards but not

Or, GM came up with Saabs that were either Subarus or GMC, except for a couple of real ones with wooden suspensions and mediocre non-weird uninnovative design so they offered nothing special to give anyone a reason for buying one.

Like someone said above, it's a fabricated bed anyway. And the pinstripes are what someone would do then.

You're right.

The weird thing is that the Century was a deluxe Special, but the Super and Roadmonster were built with a completely different body shared with Cadillac. It had dimensions in common so the same dashboard could be used, and rode on a longer version of the same frame, suspension, driveline etc. Notice the lower

This photo is actually of a privately owned one kept in USPS livery, taken at the Orphan Car Show in Nebraska by Iowa Farm Boy.

And they used to have Studebakers too. The Zip Van. They were also sold off to people weird enough to want one, like my friend Denny.

After a couple of years they did a major facelift and got rid of a lot of the ovals, including that one.

I didn't know cars did that. Pretty stupid, since water pumps ALWAYS fail if you keep the car long enough.

You beat me to it.

Fox entertainment seems to have little to do with Fox right wing fake news. The also show Family Guy and American Dad and Bob's Burgers, and now the new Cosmos with Niel DeGrasse Tyson, which makes a point of totally trashing creationists and global warming deniers every week. Unless they reserve Sunday night for the

They look like extra large size Dodge Dynastys.

The Staten Island Ferry sells beer, and at least as of a few years ago it was like $3 for a giant can. But the MTA also added today that they are thinking of fitting up new bar cars.

Their wives pick them up at the station in their station wagon.

Two problems:

This one shows the suitcases and stuff.

Old VW brochures from the 50's were big on cutaways. Really beautiful work - probably other cars from the fatherland as well.