EMisasaltyB_Jalopnik is dead

It is fine to call in a drunk driver if you are also drunk, but maybe don’t stop and interact with the police that you just called if you are drunk? I mean, the better answer here is don’t drive drunk, but obviously this guy isn’t the sharpest tool in the box, but he might be the biggest. 

Yes, they don’t haggle. But the car was priced $600 less than comps, and they offered $200 more for my trade than I anticipated. Not a huge deal, but it caused me not to feel the need to haggle, which is 100x better than haggling.

So, what they’re saying is their car is $700 cheaper if you keep your old one as well, and don’t trade it in. Not sure what the logic there is?

I would have called that out on the spot, and went “It’s cheaper if I don’t trade? Okay, I won’t trade. Now, what does my price look like?”

It’s great that this works for you. In my experience, dealers are pretty aware that this behavior signals a difficult customer and they just won’t engage beyond “come into the dealership to chat.

Had an similarly sleazy experience with a car dealer a few weeks ago when I was shopping for my VW Jetta. Even though I was leaning toward buying a low mileage CPO that one particular dealer had in stock, I went to another dealership to see what the “out the door” price for a new one would be. Handed the keys to my

jesus, i mean the car is free with a 100% down payment. Surprised they’re not allowed to advertise that way, frankly

I can’t believe charging for nitrogen in the tires is still a thing. What a racket...

The other trick many are resorting to is taking a “down payment” off of the sale price.


You could look at this through a cynical lens, or you could look at this the way Jagrjones is looking at it which is purely a bright spot in a really shitty time for a lot of people. Yes it sucks that people are dying and no amount of time is going to change that people have died due to these fires. You know what

But can it keep your drink ice-cold through the flames?

5 minutes?  Sheeit.  I can brush all the snow off my car and my GFs car in half that time.

It sucks because it’s always people who DO NOT have piled up snow on their cars that get hit with rogue ice blocks. Stay far away from people who don’t remove snow from their cars. Treat them like Altimas.

even if it became a law, it would probably be enforced along the lines of “dump trucks secure your cargo so you’re not spewing stones at 60mph

If you can’t clean your car off before driving (that means, hood, roof, trunk, all your windows, mirrors, and your lights), then don’t drive. If you leave snow chunks on your car, you should be charged if it flies off and hits another car.

Removal of snow from the roof of any kind of vehicle should be a legal requirement with criminal penalties if person or property is injured due to failure to so and fines otherwise.

1068 bananas

It’s “taller” than the Space Needle.

I was thinking you would be betting on the flight being on time, not crashing, or things along that line