I’m glad the general consensus is that the guy who died deserved it.
I’m glad the general consensus is that the guy who died deserved it.
Yea, anything related to pharma or insurance, and the establishment will rally the wagons around the money. I mean, MSNBC, CNN, and the rest would not exist without big pharma and the other related industries like this.
Star for being the only truecar comment. I dunno about their relevance anymore, though. I kind of looked on the site in their first few years and they would give an idea what others were paying. The lower end typically showed you what was about the best you could find with effort. These days, car specific forums and…
lets start a change.org campaign to have him pardoned.
True, but you’d get at least SOME people who’d absorb and retain the knowledge, which is better than what we have now. For a good chunk of Millennials, Computer Literacy was a REQUIRED class in high school (at least it was for us in California nearly 20 years ago), which has helped build a solid foundation in the…
It’ll never happen. Too many companies profit tremendously off people being ignorant, and tons of lobbying happens by those companies to make sure it stays that way.
I am surprised that Trucar is bleeding this much money. I consider Trucar pretty much a must when shopping for a new car- you want to see what other people are paying.
Boy they sure burned a lot of calories tracking down this hero, didn’t they? Lot’s of unsolved murders on the daily, but they just had to concentrate on this guy.
That only works for people that have a desire to learn. You can lead a horse to water...
You dumbfuck. Throw the gun in the river, change your clothes, burn your manifesto, and dye your hair. You committed the perfect crime, in broad daylight, and sent a message that has galvanised people. Why get busted on a gun charge?
We really ought to have some sort of required financial literacy education in this country...
If he actually was the shooter, someone needs to start a GoFundMe for him. Contributions would be off the charts.
All those resources to find one guy while health insurance mobsters kill people every day with impunity. My hatred of them is bottomless.
Oh, he looks like the guy. But I want more than “we found a guy in a hoodie sweatshirt in NYC in winter that has thick eyebrows.” Sure, in the pictures from other areas, that 100% looks like him and some of the stuff he’s talked about and written about point strongly toward him, but I want to see the complete story…
Not surprised bootlickers in western PA would nark on this guy.
When all else fails, insurance fraud is the answer.
Maybe he heard the Mcrib was back
I don’t like this story. Dude’s a suspect. Dude 3D printed gun parts it appears. A LOT of people 3D print gun parts. The internet is full of “this is the guy!” and all I see is “dude had a “ghost gun” and a 3D printer!” and no indication he even went to NYC.
Nah, he killed someone in the wrong tax bracket and the wrong color.
An Italian sounding/looking guy living in Hawaii arrested in Pennsylvania after double-tapping a guy in New York who lived in Minnesota.