EMisasaltyB_Jalopnik is dead

While the device itself seems safer, they didn’t seem to use it at a very optimal time. There were multiple points in the video where the car was going much slower and not near other cars/houses where they could’ve seemingly stopped them more safely.

How would you effectively stop it? Just letting insurance handle the aftermath just screws everyone else since they will simply raise the rates or just pull out of the area if thefts get too much, but obviously chasing and pit or grapple hook presents collateral risks as well. I vote to have an army of drones to tail

So damned if they do and damned if they don’t?

Funny how tools kill innocent people when trying to stop guilty people, but bad people kill innocent people when law enforcement isn’t involved. If there was a way to put down (by that I mean end their existence quickly and as humanely as can be accomplished) criminals immediately without risking innocent lives, would

Yeah it’s perfectly understandable that any vehicle will have issues with vinyl applied to it, painted or otherwise. Plenty who get their vehicle “wrapped” deal with similar issues in ~four to five year’s time when the wrap comes off. Even more fun is when you have decals on say a windshield and then you get ghost

So, you’ve committed insurance fraud, know you were caught absolutely red-handed on a dashcam, know that the footage has gone viral, know that the cops are actually looking for you, are in Ecuador, and actually fucking come back?  New and impressive levels of stupidity.

As someone who’s had vinyl letters on the car before, this happens to normal cars too...

Metallurgists call it corrosion resistant steel, not stainless, which was more of a trade name for high chromium steel.

If you needed to haul a pickup truck or big SUV, you couldn’t do it with U-Haul before”

Lasers communicate slower than the speed of light (in a vacuum) when passing through air. The speed of light, whilst a constant, changes drastically depending on the refractive index of the medium through which it is passing.

The decision is being made as Dodge responds to consumer demand for performance-oriented internal combustion-powered musince cars, according to Mopar Insiders.

“yeah but it's not a v8!" Probably.

With that review I wouldn’t take one for free. I’m not a poor, and I care about how my cars actually drive.

$199/mo with nothing down for a lease is unreal, especially considering this isn’t a stripped econobox with no features. 

While correct in theory its not even how it works on Earth. CDNs (content delivery networks) are deployed throughout the world to replicate data across servers and server it much faster than you would possibly can if it was located in location. Now will just extend the CDN to Mars, so everything thats not real time

Imagine being one of the people that paid far too much for the last generations “Last of the Hemi” price gouging and seeing this.

What could go wrong with Stellantis rushing vehicle production?

I’m a gearhead and I love Jalopnik, but I’m also not a moron and understand simple physics. This “article” boggles the mind:

The article is conflating bandwidth with transmission time (which is essentially lag), and these are not the same thing at all.

petabyte(bit)/second hasn’t anything to do with the transmission propagation rate, it has to do with the transmission bandwidth. Transmission delay has to do with the transmission propagation rate; as you noted, latency.