
Lexus had a “driving experience” with one of these at the New York Auto Show in, I guess, 2007. It was literally just the ISF strapped to a dyno and they let you get in, and basically just floor the gas through 5th gear. It was a simple setup but very visceral especially with the acoustics of the outdoor alley where

The Saab 9-5. It is six years old but I could pass it off as new. A bit of a bias as this one is mine

I will say this much—I am annoyed at whoever smoked in it.

Right, that is a typo.

Get the 340

I was a huge fan of old bmw’s, but they have lost their step, and arnt producing something special that people will still want 25 years from now like they used too.

Yeah safety equipment adds weight but it has lowered fatalities from crashes so that is a positive. I do not think most consumers would want a dangerous car. Most current generation BMW’s are lighter then generation before. In general the 90's BMW’s were not even lightweight. The only cars that were really

The E36 M3 coupe weighed 3230 lbs, E46 M3 coupe weighed 3415 lbs, and the M2 weighs 3,450 lbs. BMW has not made a lightweight M car since the E30 M3 and even that was heavy for the era. The M2 weighs around the same as an E46 M3, out performs it and has the benefits of 16 years of safety improvements.