You don’t have a clue what you’re talking about, do you?
You don’t have a clue what you’re talking about, do you?
Fair point. I’d say it’s probably similar values for most Americans though. Freedom, liberty, democracy, etc. etc..
I literally don’t understand what you’re trying to say here. Like, there are words, and they form sentences, and some of those sentences are true — but the sentences are strung together with no logical thread. They are non sequiturs. Banana.
Statues aren’t a history lesson, or a celebration of past values. Statues are a celebration of our present values, as long as they’re still standing. When statues and other monuments stop reflecting current values enough, they get pulled down sharp-ish (Nazi monuments in Germany post 1945, Saddam in Baghdad in 2003,…
The erasing history argument is so transparently disingenuous. These colonialist statues went up on land owned by other peoples, effectively erasing their histories at the time. Thinking history begins when white people show up is peak caucasity.
A friend sent me an advance copy of Bolton’s book (free, I was curious but would’ve never paid for it). There’s juicy stuff, but he’s so incredibly pretentious it’s hard to read. The epigraph is a quote from the Duke of Wellington and by page two he’s quoting Hobbes. In Latin.
To be fair, while colonialism certainly intensified the allure of paleness, colorism already existed in many of these cultures because of its connection with class for the exact same reason it did among white people. Being pale was a signal that unlike the darker folk, you could afford to pay to have others do your…
We come back by reorganizing voting district lines, and abolishing the electoral college.
It's a toxic result of white imperialism and white colonialism
Not with this attitude they don’t.
We don’t, at least not in any of our lifetimes.
Shelter Cat Update!
Vote them all out, and have Liz Warren go after the Wall Street crooks, and Kamala Harris go after the rest.
Pretty easily. You think this is new? You had Senator’s pistol whipping each other in the Senate back in the day. You had one Senator basically running an inquisition. This is nothing.
I said something similar in the last article about them. They are monsters from the profound all the way down to the banal.
I know this is a petty complaint and there are 100 worse things that these awful people did, but also- fuck them for naming this poor kid Huxley.
As far as we know she didn’t sell the kid to the new mom so I guess that is something?
Wish I could star this one hundred times. Start treating him like a lame duck president and just ignore him. He is clearly not in charge of this response. The governors have pretty much been left on their own. What is the point of covering this loon. Shame does not work him, 100k deaths in 2 months does not move him.…
Enough already! Quit dancing to Trump’s tune. He’s a mixer so he’ll keep pushing buttons trying to white trash “rope a dope” us all. Can we hate him more than we hate him now? Left-leaners wouldn’t cross the street to piss on him if he was fire. The opposite of love isn’t hate it’s indifference. Ignore him. Not rising…
This is one of those moments where the phrase “class war” becomes as literal as it can get. It’s also the moment where the governing class’ typical strategy to deflect from class warfare (namely, divide and conquer) becomes as transparently obvious as it can be.