Enlightened Despot

It’s a kind of conspiracy anti-authority thing for some who are educated and even science literate. They justify trust in pseudo-science, homeopathy, and traditional medicine by believing the peer-reviewed medical journals are part of some nefarious “Big Pharma” scam that is suppressing “the truth” about whatever

Whole Foods suggested that employees “donate” their PTO to their coworkers who undergo a medical emergency

That’s the only reason I am surprised it took Fox News this long to change course. I guess kowtowing to Trump is more important than anything else, but somebody at the network had to realize the people most likely to die in the pandemic are their core audience.

One nut job on my Facebook feed has been posting this stuff except it wasn’t Oprah, it was Tom Hanks and Justin Trudeau and that they don’t have the virus, but we’re arrested for being pedophiles. It’s scary that people actually believe this crap

Yep. Putin wouldn’t have been able to so successfully manipulate American voters if they hadn’t been primed for 30 years by conservative media blowhards.

He’s a white nationalist worried about older white people (who also happen to be his whole audience) dying off and being “replaced”.

Murdoch was hard at work back when Putin was just a KGB officer stationed in East Germany. Murdoch has been running the GOP long before Russians started trolling the US. Putin is bad, but nobody has come close to what Murdoch has done, not the Kochs, not the Mercers, not Zuckerberg.

Don’t call it socialism if it’s me who’s getting government help. That’s called “stimulus”. Government isn’t the solution to all problems, just mine.

Success breeds imitators.

We are at war with Eastasia.  We have always been at war with Eastasia.

The switch from “The coronavirus is overblown liberal media hype meant to hurt Trump, and Trump is right not to be taking drastic, unnecessary action over it no matter what the deep state liberal Democrats say” to “The coronavirus is a massive, dangerous problem, thank God that Trump recognized that early on and took

UK, Australia and the United States have all elected dumbass right-wing populists over the past decade.

Using buzzwords and feel-good sentiment in the place of actually doing what you claim to stand for is Disruptive Entrepreneur 101.

I’m also going to add on that trying to guilt voters in really skeevy ways is incredibly condescending and off putting as well.

I have no idea as to whether or not this abuse actually occurred and little reason to cast doubt. I do, however, think this is yet another example of how brutal and disruptive the industry is for young people and how miserable it is for child actors who never decide to get an education and pivot from the Hollywood

This all seems like a vast and complicated piece of performance art.

Another way to look at it is that HHM is the kind of place where it takes a crazy turn of events for it to even dawn on Howard that Christy Esposito has the deck stacked unfairly against her by Howard’s committee.

What is incomprehensible is the total inability for Jezebel to understand that there are many voters, in many parts of the country, that find a platform like Klobuchar’s quite appealing.

As Super Tuesday indicated, it is those voters who are going to decide the Democratic primary. Though they may have been quiet, perhaps they were there all along.

The close-mindedness that writers here (and formerly Splinter) doubled-down on is hard for me to understand as well. I can take the point that traditional media focused too much on voters who switched from Obama to Trump and the “economic anxiety” types. But these people are real, they can be found in rural areas in ev