Those are the bad animals. Not cute cuddly puppies.
Those are the bad animals. Not cute cuddly puppies.
I guess you’re nicer than me because I saw a lot of pettiness and snark in that blog, and I’m not sure framing the ability to disconnect from the internet as a form of privilege is particularly helpful, and in any case it’s something that should be taken up with the publishers who decided what writers to invest in…
Correct me if I’m wrong, but basically what you’re saying is that because social media helped make Eilish famous, she owes it to the world to read the comments including the trolling bullshit? And you think it’s unfair that she gets to have the ‘privilege’ of being able to disconnect because as a blogger/writer,…
I don’t see the fat lazy fucks
Remember when Patty Jenkins was Thor 2's director and was replaced with Alan Taylor? And Portman was pissed and started to get the “difficult” label way back in early 2010s because she was promised a woman as director, which was why she agreed to do Marvel, and then the “Jane” character disappears under Taika? So…
Good. Roenick has always been a self important asshole. Won’t miss him at all.
Lu is so fucking insufferable.
She’s seen as too lecturing. She’s seen as too shrill. Similar things that Hillary was dogged for. To be sure, certain female candidates seem to be prone to this sort of criticism. Amy has seemingly avoided this critique so far. Time will tell if that continues.
But once that was cleared up, the drama still continued. The tone of the piece certainly isn’t very sympathetic to Jameel, for an error that’s most certainly not hers. And why didn’t the House Mother who auditioned for the show tweet at any of the other two non-Voguers hired for the show?
I went to sleep last night before it was apparent how much of a disaster this thing was going to become.
Jan Singer had ZERO to do with any of the male gazey stuff at VS. That’s not her style, and imagery wasn’t something she had any control over (no one beyond Ed Razek & his direct teams had anything to do with the fashion show, photo shoots or any model casting either). She’s a good person and a strong merchant. Don’t…
Thank you. Everyone is trying to make this so complicated. Dems, Independents, moderates, liberals...YOU DON’T HAVE TO LOVE THE PERSON YOU VOTE FOR. You just have to take a look at the orange piece of shit currently sitting in the chair and think for all of five seconds.
As a 37-year-old, I call bullshit on this. My 38-year-old, laid-off-last-week husband would also disagree. We haven’t been able to afford a house, and every time we think we can get in on one the prices raise. It’s unreasonable to pay $400k for a 40-year-old house, but the school district is great, everyone is rushing…
Yeah, younger people didn’t feel the affects of the last financial crisis or a dip in their retirement savings. Instead, they have no assets or retirement savings.
No I really don’t see how they’re incongruous thoughts.
I’m sorry but this defense is bullshit. If your “rough sex” is so rough you KILLED SOMEONE, you are so bad at sex that you pose a danger to all future partners and should be locked up anyway. Despite what Hollywood movies would have you believe, it is actually very difficult to kill another able-bodied adult human…
The argument that what she did constituted involuntary manslaughter is straightforward, which is why multiple courts upheld her conviction. You commit involuntary manslaughter when you, unintentionally, cause the death of another person through reckless conduct. She knew about her boyfriend’s mental health issues and…
Cosby too, with the blind old man routine. I’m reminded of a friend’s narcissist boyfriend who feigned a seizure whenever she tried to end the relationship.
I can not get over the “Old Man Weinstein” shtick he’s playing.
The most important parts of a Tyler Perry movie: