Enlightened Despot

This has always been my interpretation, right or wrong. I think the best indicator that it’s at least somewhat accurate is the fact that he had to sell Republicans on their own proposal (Obamacare) and they still tried to stop it (and continue to try now). I think his biggest failure was attempting to play fair when

Parnas’s interview was not a “baffling move.” As Rachel Maddow explained post-interview, Parnas told her he believes his chances of avoiding assassination are higher if he talks as publicly as possible vs. keeping all this information in his head and waiting for it to be blown off.

Obama also felt completely comfortable hanging the poor out to dry economically in the name of cutting deals with Republicans

the thing i like about james is that he actually un-broke the game. arthur chu broke the game- his strategy was to find the daily doubles and then bet low, figuring he could grind out the win without them. its a good strategy, but its very boring to watch.

james took the strategy of hunting for daily doubles and made

Ken Jennings has been like this for awhile. He’s a regular guest on Doug Loves Movies and he always entertains when he shows up.

I mean, let’s be honest. That “timing on the button” comeback is hilarious genius. But nobody ever called him dumb. I think he’d make a great successor to Alex. He’s managed to build a pretty healthy social media presence and popularity in the time since his run.

Christ, that Pence shit was the utter end. I mean Jesus, everybody and their fuckin dad now know the Saudi’s funded the shit and he tried to lob that meatball as justification? Took a page from the Trump playbook of ‘pulling facts out of your ass’ to justify anything, eh?

If I had to choose, I guess I’m for James because he’s local to me, and I thought the way he broke the game during his run was pretty cool.

I’ve enjoyed that James - who is often a little prickly - seems to clearly be actually fond of Ken, and that there is a distinct appreciation of each other between all three contestants. Also, while Brad is not doing as well, his ridiculous ratio of Daily Double selections is now some kind of running joke.

No. Bernie’s supporters were very clear that it wasn’t that they didn’t want to vote for a woman. They just didn’t want to vote for that woman. If there were some other woman running who had a platform that was similar to Sanders, they assured everybody that they would totally vote for her. I feel like they even gave

Also, my dear republican “friends”, if WE can assassinate someone WE consider a bad man, THEY can assassinate someone THEY consider a bad man.

Literally every president since Eisenhower would be open to assassination if the world held the US to the same standard Trump used to justify the attack.  

SHS is a blithering moron. She seems to think her stint as Lard Belly’s appointed smug bullshit artist gives her some sort of legitimacy and credibility (common among his various parasites) but she’s still just an obnoxious crapsack and all-around buffoon, like she’s always been. Anyone can plainly see that her snide,

Can’t say I’m surprised at how the media in this country today have largely spent it being incredibly angry at how a woman who they’ve spent two years attacking for rarely a legitimate reason and gleefully provided a platform for her shitty relatives to exploit finally got tired of their shit and the Establishment

They’re already financially independent, so whatever they do won’t be to keep body and soul together. Harry inherited a few million pounds from the queen mother back in the 90s, and he inherited a further £10 million or so from his mother, which pays out a yearly dividend of somewhere in the neighborhood of $450,000.

I honestly don’t know if it is willful ignorance, simple misunderstanding, or a linguistic framing issue that keeps the Fox News viewing set at a place where they’re unable to understand that ‘white privilege’, or ‘male privilege’, or ‘fill-in-the-fucking-blank privilege’ really just means, “You only have to deal with

Probably they’ll just use the millions of dollars of independent wealth they each brought to the marriage in the first place.

Finding out the uncle is a pedo rapist and the press / average Brit still hating Meghan more than him?

That the palace would make an angry statement about this, and not about rapist pedophile prince andrew, says everything. Throw the whole damn castle in the garbage. Go sussexit

I dislike the idea of royalty as much as the author. But it seems like both Harry and William have done more to serve people than most people. Certainly more than just about every media person that writes about them.