
So we should all just jump off a cliff?

Its not that he Republican its that Bush very anti LGBTQ and Ellen has positioned herself as an activist. There a difference between being friendly with someone who disagrees with you and befriending someone who doesn’t see you as fully human.

I can see being friends with someone you disagree with politically. I cannot understand how she can be friends with someone who considers her fundamentally less human and actively worked to undermine her rights. To me that is the difference between someone seeing things differently and being truly evil. Bush

This is interesting, I like parts of it. The marble on the fireplace is a nice use of the giants slab trend that at least uses the material well. The boxed ceiling is a nice detail. None of of it really goes together though and it all way to much. Someone was trying way too hard to be edgy. I’m also pretty sure they

The thing is I think Warren will resonate in the Rust Belt and with working class white people elsewhere because she is a straight shooter. She has concrete plans to improve their lot and explains it an frank and simple way. All Biden has is bluster and the status quo which is the one thing those voters don’t want.

You talk about capitalism like it is force of nature like a tornado and not a system with rules created by people. Capitalism will do what the government tells it to end of story. The work week used to be 12 hours a day seven days a week but unions and workers and governments ended it that and increased wages and

It make sense in the economically depressed areas of Britain where the problem is a lack of jobs not low wages. Less hours means companies have to hire more workers. You can simply raise minimum wage to compensate for the difference in pay. Its not actually that big a difference when the employers isn’t covering

Brad Pitt still sucks IMO. Gwyneth Paltrow has actually been fairly vocal about the fact that Weinstein didn’t harass her. So either A) Pitt is co-opting a story Paltrow hasn’t told herself and casting himself as the hero or B) is a liar. Frankly the story smells to me. Pitt was a big star at the time but Weinstein

Dafuq you talking about Tomato ? The Country the 1oth nominal GDP on the planet and third largest petroleum reserve? We do fine, in fact we often do better than a certain other country who lets it bankers go cowboy all the time and hasn’t figured out what market regulations are for. Please troll better next time okay.

The mute button only seems to work for so long. I keep getting fucking Taylor Swift turning up whenever she does an new album. I think with certain artists Spotify is obligated to include them. That would explain the random bro country that shows up on my playlists. I like good Country music, like Kacey Musgraves or

I wonder if he  confused the Bahamas with Jamaica? Jamaica being a fairly major drug hub but the Bahamas not really being any better or worse than the rest of the Caribbean in terms of drug use.

Pedicures can be about more than just the look though. Here in Manitoba diabetics can get them for free because they have proven benefits for foot health. I know I get them because I have psoriasis on my feet and its the only way to get rid of the dead skin. There are measures that can be taken to minimize the health

Yeah that was the real problem with the show. It was completely uneven and when it actually had good point, THEY SHOUTED IT INTO THE GROUND. Jeff Daniels was always the best part of the show though. To the point where I would almost like to see a follow up of mostly his character reacting to the current craziness. I

Yeah I’m pretty sure there is a rule that anything under a certain amount is insured and the bank is liable for not you. It would have been nice if the Author bothered to look up what it is.

Yes the whole “the sky is falling we are all going to die” attitude is annoying on several levels. For one even by the worst predictions for temperature change for global warming are not that much bigger than those for previous ice ages. We survived those, it was rough on a lot of people but we lived. We adapted our

Too many carbs are the problem, not carbs on their own. Just as too much red meat can cause cancer and high cholesterol. Anything is bad in too high amounts including water and oxygen. Carbs are perfectly healthy and necessary part of an average human diet. Carbs feed your brain in particular and provide quick energy.

That’s why I said restrictions and not an outright ban. So the Brothels can be regulated and monitored so they don’t exploit people.

Mixed race=erasure is a very limited view of both race and love IMO. I am a mixed race person my father is white and my mother is Cree (Aboriginal). I identify as Cree because that is the community where I a most comfortable and that I was raised in. That doesn’t mean I’m not proud of my father’s family and I have

I think decriminalizing sex work should be part of a more holistic approach to poverty and drug addiction. You decriminalize individual workers but put severe restrictions on brothels and pimping to prevent trafficking. Although frankly sex work should never be “necessary” in a society with a functional social safety

Disclaimer: I am not a mental health professional and this is just a bit of fun. Schizophrenia is more common than people realize and there are links with pot use that means its not impossible even without an noted family history. I’ve never been convinced of bi-polar disorder simply because there was never any