
Yeah I think Tom Hiddleston agreed because he though it might give him ladies man cred for James Bond. It unfortunately for him (I’m not sure about the rest of us, although I suppose anyone would be better the Daniel Craig at this point) it had the opposite effect

My guess is that it is bone thrown to the network because they were concerned about men not watching all the “girl talk”.

Kids are just like any other kind of human some are really bright and some shouldn’t walk and chew gum at the same time. This is kid definitely smart. I agree this isn’t cute and the kid should be in serious trouble though. 

I think you have a very different view of the show than was intended actually. Believe me none of the people involved like Tory politics. I think there is a difference in liking how Ann stood up for herself and liking her politics. The writer of this series likes her heroes flawed and real not perfect virtuous soles.

For me it wasn’t that I loved these moments it was that I realised that they were completely realistic for character in her place and time. I didn’t expect Ann to be some 20th century woke bae, she was an upperclass woman from over hundred years ago. Of course she thinks and does things I don’t agree with. I just

The thing about the “Pocahontas” insult though is that it reflects almost more poorly on Trump than it does Warren. It shows he racist and that’s something that makes the middle class white ladies and even a large portion of working class men uncomfortable. They still don’t like to think of themselves as racist and

Squaw is the most offensive thing you can say to an Aboriginal woman. Please don’t use that word even as a joke. 

I still hold out hope that Biden will say something stupid and shoot himself in the foot. Then Warren would be a clear winner. There hasn’t even been a debate yet and that’s where Warren will shine. I wouldn’t count her out yet. 

First of all your did not save the free world twice. You just came late to the party once the tide had turned and hogged all the credit. Ironically Russia probably did more to defeat the Nazi’s than the US did.

I think it was also that Jlaw was better established when she met Harvey so he felt he couldn’t pull his bullshit. She was already the big Hunger Games star so he knew it would be harder for him to get away with it. (I also wouldn’t be surprised if Jlaw was forewarned and made sure she was never alone with him.) Like

Morality is subjective. Frankly I think not judging situations I don’t know jackshit about is very moral. I’m good with my morality but I’m not sure about yours. Frankly white peoples compulsion to inflict their morality on others has probably done a thousand times more to help fuel the drug trade than Jay-Z ever did.

In less than 15 words you managed to show 1)your privilege 2) your racial bias 3) your ass.

There is it is self defence. Bonnie defending Celeste technically doesn’t qualify. Bonnie would probably be looking at a manslaughter charge in most jurisdictions. Especially as a black woman attacking a white man in that community. 

This couple is suing to change the law for everyone because it affected their one case that they actually won. A law that was enacted to correct cultural genocide. They are behaving in an entitled and frankly racist way. The Brackens are presuming to know better not just for their own child but for thousands of

First of all fuck you very much. Second of all you have no fucking clue what you are talking about so STFU. Finally The Indian Child Welfare act is in response to the cultural genocide perpetuated by residential schools and the scoop up. Its designed to correct generations of abuse, neglect and stolen children. All

Warren will play better in the Mid West and with working class voters in general than Biden though which is needed to win. Biden is very much a product of the east coast and comes off as an elite. Warren is an Okie with working class roots. Biden is one fuck up away from pissing off half his voter base and he has long

Warren may have pissed off the tribes but she has sincerely apologised and it doesn’t override the fact that she has been an advocate for our issues for decades. It also doesn’t override that she is the best candidate for the Democratic nomination. Focusing on this on this on failure is letting the perfect be the

Yeah I think Warren actually probably has the best shot at winning against Trump. She is offering hope and change which helps. She also probably speaks to the white working class better than any of the other candidates including Biden. Which is a demographic that heavily voted for Trump due to the economy but could

I do this , although I do use the playlists to find new artists sometimes when I get sick of the same old.

For fuck sakes this isn’t even going to save them any money. The kids are just going to go nuts from lack of stimulation and end up attacking each other and the guards and result in them need to add more guards. Its exactly what happens when they cancel these sorts of programs in adult prisons. They shutdown cheap