
I have a huge pile of books because I intend to re-read them... but I keep getting more books to read, I never get around to the re-read. Egads!

Maybe voice actors impersonating famous people? Then you could have, like, a wish list of actors from various great crime flicks and screwball comedies in a high-budget cinematic world.

"She was only fifteen years old..."

I am definitely getting this vibe of a melancholy text-based computer game, a slow burn where you live in and explore Japan.

Why not "Verbal?"

I know, I'd seen this before and thought "I will one day do MY shelves in such a manner..."

How about surround-screen arcade games? So maybe you have something like Rock Band, with professional feeling instruments, and the surround screen is a HUGE audience of people so you feel like you're on stage performing a real concert? And there's little pinhole cameras embedded in it, so when you're done with the

Arcade balls! And the design of the arcades could be real interesting if you have all these spheres all over the place.

Oh great, another insane show to subscribe too. But dang, that's awesome.

Uh May Zing!

La-Z-Boy Reclining toilet + Plasma screen = no prob, bob.

Maybe an RPG in the style of Earthbound?

These are so retro-tastic and I love it.

Actually, according to the book "Console Wars," David Rosen (first head of Sega/Service Games) got started by importing quarter photo booths into Japan. After WWII, there was a huge demand for photos for IDs, ration cards, school applications, tons of things, and most proper photographers were slow and expensive.

Did you read "Console Wars?" It'll totally take you back in time.

They did at one point. I wonder if they had a sexy deck of cards in there.

Love the coins! Thanks for the link.

With all these folks buying retro games, how about an article on cleaning the contacts and cartridges?

I do love all the fake brands, they're very cute. Marionette Hotels, Head's Up, Moon Dew, Bourbon (instead of Scotch tape). I just want to see a gallery of all those little things.

There was an interview or something where she said she compensates for having to look and dress like a boy and roll in muck for a huge part of the year.