Emily Roach

Love love this show! Awesome!!

Even once I realized it was Laura Dern, I STILL thought "Why is Kristen Wiig in these opening credits?" each time she came up.

Creepier prop? Claire's squirrel baby from LOST!!

OH MAN, that is one song that I never skip on my iPod. I didn't appreciate it as a kid but I love love love it now!

The pilot definitely aired in May; it was on after American Idol. It was a genius move because everyone was able to catch up with the buzz and watch it over the summer!

I was SO bothered by the rat thing too!!! I wanted to be kind of a know-it-all and tell one of my friends about this glaring error, but sadly, no one else I know watches this show. Too bad for them.

"Where's Jack?"
"In the pantry."


That was awesome. Thank you for sharing!

I was freaked out at first, but I appreciate the amount of updates about it. I think the site looks great and has a lot of personality. I'm big into the progress bar. I liked having the list of shows I was following, but I never used it for anything other than to say "Wow, look how long that list of shows I watch