
Other than for appearance sake is any reason for you to diversify your financial portfolio? Is there any reason not imbreed generation after generation? Is there any reason not to plant the same crops in the same soil every year? Is there any reason that various different animals and vegetation occupy the same

Well, what product is the company making? Is it a product that will somehow, at some point, involve marketing to consumers? Who are the end users?

Sounds like a company Tom Haverford came up with

Compassion left the building as soon as people went and voted for white supremacist ideals and cheered for a man who actively courted White Hate Terrorism to suppress the turnout of voters.

I don’t have time for racism. No matter what a person’s age.

This is the right wing, in a nutshell. I’m so sick and tired of hearing how they give a fuck about the people of this country and how it’s the evil elites on the left who are the real villians. The right care about power, holding power and using it to fuck over as many people as possible before they lose it. Fuck

“Step one for you might be to examine why you and nearly every other straight white man equates not being deferred to as being talked down to.”

even when i’ve taken the time to calmly speak with someone, link sources and papers, write beautiful prose on why they’re not a bad person they’re just raised in a bad society....they’ll argue. lol.

It’s weird because you are doing that tutoring you speak of...right now. And you’re dropping mics left right & sideways. As a mostly dumb white chick, what you’ve written here is illuminating. Thanks for the hand holding. Seriously, I am not trying to snark you.

Hugh-Jack, as another straight liberal white guy with a beard I wanted to respond to this article. Then I took a pause and asked myself “Is my opinion actually constructive to this conversation?” and “Am I just trying to make myself feel better for what I may or may not have done?”

Step one for you might be to examine why you and nearly every other straight white man equates not being deferred to as being talked down to.

May his supporters feel the same level of joy as he does.

Here’s what I have learned. Most people who are “self-proclaimed” anythings are usually not those things. Your mileage may vary.

None of them had nukes or the ability to make their message heard to the world instantaneously...the comparison does literally nothing to calm my fears.

Susan Sarandon and every other Stein voter who, through their colour, age and wealth won’t have to live with the effects of Trump’s racist agenda.

Yes, a shocking number of women voted against their own progress, freedom, and liberty. Being female doesn’t negate you from having the capacity for sexism and misogyny.

This. I don’t hate people for voting differently than me because, like, they support a different taxation scheme than I do. I will damn well hate people who voted differently than me because they think that it’s hilarious to mock people like me for being disabled. I will damn well hate people who voted differently

Right, first lets order the chicken instead of the shit sandwich, and then afterwards we can worry about sending the chef some notes.

There is a difference between “shutting down discourse” (which, btw, almost everyone here is NOT doing) and “we don’t want to hear you ramble on about how agreeing with us makes you a hero”

Well, I don’t think anyone is shutting down anything. But there is a time and a place. Today, the priority is on making sure that homophobic sexists do not usher in the collapse of the USA. Tomorrow, we can focus on HRC’s foreign policy record.