
Okay, but I’m not getting the conflation between saying that fiction writers should be able to write characters who are very different from them/their experiences and the defense of cultural appropriation. These are separate issues, in my mind. I think a writer should go ahead and write a fictional character of a

But Parker himself didn’t say stop so, by his own logic, not only should the journalist kept going, he should have invited two other journalists into the room to keep asking the same question.

Found the That Guy.

And anyone who says Lizzie Borden wasn’t a feminist is just sexist because she can live her life however she wants and still call herself a feminist!

I’ll say it out loud: Ziffy needs to get laid.

So you’re bringing up two very different articles as if they are the same, as well as tossing off responses to arguments I didn’t make, while not even addressing the very well-explained reasons why some people take issue with what this woman is saying? AND you throw in some victim and slut shaming to boot?

This commenter has been setting up strawmen all damn day and when s/he gets tired of that or cornered, s/he picks up the goalposts and moves them all the fuck over the field.

Claiming that a life of chastity is “living the feminist dream” IS promoting it.

I...didn’t actually comment on Amber Rose. I only wanted you to have the full picture of who this poor, snarked-upon virgin really is. Also: Who made the point that society is so accepting of everyone’s sexual choices? You’ve added a lot to my simply copy and paste.

It just occurred to me Bryan really doesn’t even need feminism - she could have achieved being an unmarried virgin centuries ago.

This jumped out:

Choosing chastity because you dig that lifestyle is feminism. Choosing chastity because sex = sin and realizing that you like being chaste is Stockholm Syndrome.

Yeah, and many of the folks on Etsy are even willing to clothe the half of us who are size 12 or larger! Everlane and most of the sustainable designers will not (other than Eileen Fisher, who I greatly admire - but sadly her flowy aesthetic is not my thing).

Modest proposal: The word “journey” should be used only to describe something that can be drawn on a map.

Regarding the sourcing of fabric: check out your local independent fabric shops. When I was shopping last week for quilt fabric for all the new babies in my life, I overheard the owner and a regular nerding out over who produces the best fabric. The upshot is that the shit at JoAnn/national retailers is all made by

I’m sad that the Toast is gone, but you (and everyone) should know about this wonderful article on emotional labor that they published:

Aw, thanks! And since I’m ranting, I have to say something else about Hillary. She isn’t responsible for the mess in Syria, Bashar al-Assad is. (If there’s a secondary foreign person, it’s Putin). It seems almost too obvious to say, but Obama and Clinton and Kerry are trying to contain the damage, avoid US/NATO ground

I am so, so tired of people like this. And by this I mean purists. True believers. People for whom compromise = death. They are the reason we have Bernie bros, and everything to do with Jeremy Corbyn.

Isn’t Trump what happened when “all new people” got to run for the nomination of the Republican Party?

Yes. It’s actually a race thing.