
It was me! I wasn't going to, but I learned from Duck Dynasty that people have free speech rights! Which means you get to say whatever dumbass thing you want and no one can say or do anything about it!

Not sure that dropping tons of money to give your daughter an engagement ring is any better than giving your daughter a very nice promise ring. Maybe you should just stop dating your daughter.

She was perfectly willing to collude in a prolonged smear campaign against 96 dead people (many of them children) who did NOTHING fucking wrong except go to a football match, so y'know... I hope she's getting toasted crispy somewhere right now.

That woman could be exhumed and rolled down a mountain of shit, land in a shit lake, and have the shit of every person in the North dropped on her head, and it would still not be enough.

My darling Lindy,

This article is one big hyperbole train. Speaking for myself, I'm not going to assign utter seriousness and figurative proper diction to making comments about it.

Not... my greatest work...

This. I once bought an entire Josh Groban album on the back of how hilarious and charming he was on Never Mind the Buzzcocks. Most of it is utter rubbish. Damn you, Groban!

I can't stand SOM, so let's see what other musicals I can't stand but that every high school does, that they can do. Hmmm.

The sound of music is overrated, the tv adaptation was fine (most of the issues were technical, hopefully they can fix those), and as a huge musical fan, I don't understand how anyone can be anything but stoked for more visibility of this style of show, which a few years ago was considered dead outside of Broadway.

Picture of smug.

No they have... *shudder* privilege.

Look, I absolutely believe privilege is a thing: white privilege, cisgendered privilege, thin privilege, able-bodied privilege, etc. But once someone starts dismissing any and all disagreement as evidence of privilege, it becomes anti-intellectual and a reframing, not a subversion,

When I saw both "problematic" and "tumblr" in the url I just rolled my eyes. I would be more receptive to SJ tumblr blogs if they weren't so fucking predictable and sanctimonious it makes my eyes hurt reading them.

No, hon, it's not. It's really, really not. Sometimes people are mean, and that means they're criticize you for whatever you happen to be (tall, short, Rhode Islander, blonde, whatever). That doesn't mean there's an overt, cultural hatred of skinny people-thing going on in the way there's an overt, cultural hatred of

"A little thing that can turn into anything at anytime."

It's that time o' the month for tamps n' cramps.

Man being a lady must be rough. Tamps, makeup, and then you have these jumpsuit things where it looks like a two piece, but it's really a one piece. Ugh.

So glad you had a photo of my boyfriend on the side, Idris Elba, at the top of the list. As soon as I started to read this, he was the first name who came to mind as actual sexiest man alive. (Sorry, Mr. Seal.)