
That's definitely been my experience. I can't speak for actual stats, but all the lesbians I know are either into 'feminist lesbian porn', or gay male porn.

Whatever floats your boat.

All the commentary here is super interesting. I just want to add the additional comment that as a woman dating a woman - lesbian porn is made (mostly, unless you're paying) for dudes. It's not exactly the most stimulating experience in the world if you've actually had sex with a woman, let alone realistic. I'd

Yeah, fair enough, I think that's a pretty valid criticism.

They're actually not making any money off of it. All of the kickstarter funding goes towards the project, the actors aren't even getting paid at the moment.

Weirdly enough, I actually think the fanfic is something most people would enjoy. It's full of Beyonce references and jokes about pancakes. So, there's that. I know the 'slash' part tends to put people off, but really, there's one kiss. In the entire 50,000 words.