
Eliza Doolittle and Henry Higgins in My Fair Lady. They didn't end up together in the original version of the story, and the movie's ending implying that she went back to him after her awesome "F*ck you" song totally undermined all of their character development. Of course, I don't like Eliza/Freddy either, because

I only have a problem with it when it's not obvious and there's no hint of a warning beforehand. With the desert, that seems like a likely place to die, so you'd save the game. With the genie bottle, who would see that coming? You get a genie bottle in an adventure game, obviously you're going to rub it! I mean, if

There's a part in King's Quest 6 where a minotaur literally rips you in half, top-to-bottom. But it happens in a dark room where you can only see Alexander's eyes, so it's okay. XD

King's Quest II had some really bad ones. There's a bridge you're only allowed to cross I think 7 times in the whole game before it collapses. This is also the exact number of times you need to cross it in order to finish the game. So imagine you're at the very beginning of the game, wandering around trying to figure

There are also a couple of times where you can't figure out the solution to a puzzle except by dying first.

So, I know Korrasami's kinda the thing everyone's freaking out about now, but I just wanted to say… YAY VARRICK & ZHU LI GOT MARRIED OMG I'M SO HAPPY!!! *sobsobsob*

I'm kinda with you in wishing that Korrasami had had more development if they were going to end it the way they did. I've seen lots of people complain that Kataang in the first show was not developed enough to end the way it did, but, let's be honest, they gave a lot more attention to Aang & Katara's budding romance

You're right! I remember in like the 4th (?) episode of the original show, the one where they land on Kyoshi Island, Aang is looking at the Avatar Kyoshi statue with all his fangirls and he goes, "There she is! Me in a past life." And one of the fangirls goes, "You were pretty!" I always thought that was cute,

Haha, I was actually expecting it to be Satoru. I liked him, but I also really liked the surprise that it was someone else.
… Wouldn't be very surprised if he turns out to be Su's father, though. But then again, it's Toph. So who knows? lol

Ooh, neat! I want that mask!!!
There seems to be a surprising lack of Aang in this project, though. Odd. Has he just not been cast yet, or is he actually not in it? (Looks like they have Suki doing the "chat on the edge of a cliff" scene with Zuko, instead of Aang?)
But wait… Aang has to be in it, because of the whole

Now I'm going to be sad if that doesn't happen.

Wait… did they actually promise? For reals?

Read all of them. "The Rift" is actually my favorite so far, but they've all been good. I was thinking during this episode that it would be really neat to get a miniseries based on "The Promise" (and, well… all of them, but I was thinking specifically about "The Promise" because of Kuvira). Especially one that

She *was* being a hypocrite. What always pissed me off in that episode was 1) when she accuses Sokka of not loving their mom the way she did, and 2) when she tells Aang - the kid who had HIS ENTIRE RACE GENOCIDED - that he doesn't understand what she's going through. She's so caught up in her own anger and grief in

I laughed so hard at the anticlimactic "Who is Lin's dad?" conversation. The fact that it turned out to be some random guy no one's ever heard of, and then Bolin's awkward, "Oh… okay, then." Echoing all the fans, as usual.
I swear, I could almost heard Mike & Bryan going, "THERE! YOU HAPPY? NOW STOP ASKING US ABOUT

Slightly off the "straightwoman" topic, but I always found Katara fascinating because she could be simultaneously the most caring and the most cruel person in Team Avatar.

What about Freakazoid? They referenced it every single episode thanks to the theme song:

For the past 2 seasons I've been telling my family that Meelo's gonna grow up to be the next Big Bad of the Avatar 'verse

It's very good, but also very different. Much more, um, "grown up" than Avatar? TBH it doesn't hit quite the same deep emotional resonance with me as Avatar did, and I know that's mainly because it's got more complicated political storylines rather than a single overarching Hero's Journey plot (which are pretty known

"Lost" = "Myst," but with less diary-reading and elaborate elevator rides.
Or, conversely…
"Myst" = "Lost," but with less time travel, polar bears and smoke monsters.