Emily Giovanni

Ammabella is an evil mastermind and is faking the whole thing to mess with Ziggy.

My theory (and I don't want to know if I'm right or wrong) is that Perry is Jane's rapist and he gets murdered.

Maybe if they handle this whole William thing well, it will be like when Connor came back in Season 5 of Angel — a little redemption for such a horrid character arc.

Unfortunately, the show just gets more and more racist.

Yeah, it's interesting that Michonne's not even involved in their secret meetings in the woods. She's already too invested in Alexandria, and it looks like Daryl is headed that way too which is a big surprise.

Yeah I hear that, and I understand the point. Just like in the real world, though, some people just don't have strong personalities that rise to the surface quickly. I think Sasha is shy, quiet, and suffers from a lot of self-doubt.

I think the depiction of Sasha's PTSD is really important, actually. I bet it's very much how a lot of our characters are feeling.

I thought the horse was symbolic of Alexandria as a whole, and the fact that Rick, Daryl, and co. are not going to be able to "save" it or make it work. The town's kids named him Buttons and Aaron's been trying to catch him for months? Man, that was a depressing end to that sequence. In the scene immediately following

She's best-known for Arrested Development? I strenuously disagree. She is Amber Braverman and she is no dumpy.

right after she sings a song to Willow called "I'm under your spell."

That's true. But when Carol and Tyreese ran into that guy in the woods, Carl was "the kid with the hat." I just don't know how they took the time to figure out everyone's names if they were just going to eat them almost immediately.

Yeah I was confused about how they knew all the names and everything. Did our people spend more time with the Terminus people than I remember?

I don't think that Tony was off Dyad's radar. They knew about him. Sam was his monitor. The whole "mistake at the IVF clinic" was a signifier that his mom was a real ass hole who didn't accept her child.

I just want Jesse to channel his rage into a more productive endeavor. Like telling Hank everything! #TeamHank

I love that Sendak's quote is just "I hate people." Love that guy.

I love that Sendak's quote is just "I hate people." Love that guy.