
You ask the important questions.

I think dealing with a toddler stories would probably do more harm than childbirth stories personally.

My csections were incredibly easy, I was up and walking within 12 hours, out shopping the day I was released from the hospital. I was having sex within 3 wks, and actually enjoying it lol. Everybody is different, but the c/s really weren't a big deal for me. My second birth was actually really good. The ob and

So, some of you may have little bits of this already.

Don't leave us in suspense! Whose penis was it?

For my second kid's birth, my epidural failed. Yep, apparently this is a thing that can happen. I had been in labor for about 12 hours and was exhausted. I got it just as things were getting intense, and was fine for about an hour. Then all of a sudden the pain came back full force, just as I was transitioning - the

I had a really problematic pregnancy. When I delivered, I tore. Forward. This is apparently kind of rare, but I split up the middle toward my clitoris. I cannot explain how painful that was.

It would take all of my willpower not to reply with this gif.

Is it just me, or does John Travolta increasingly resemble a 1980's cartoon villain? He's like Gargamel with hair.

Having a copper IUD has made my period like 9+ days, so like is there a list of these dudes?

Eh, pestering for period sex might get tiresome, but I'd take that over a manbaby cringing at the mere thought of blood and insisting on unreciprocated blowjobs for a week any day of the month.

I don't understand why you wouldn't want to get these kinds of messages, ladies. Sometimes you have to wait months or even years to find out you've been dating an asshole, but these guys just let you know right away. It's practically a public service!

Okay, seriously, now you have 10 ten minutes to post or you're on my shit list!

What kind of mangled dicks have you seen that remotely resemble croissants and lobster tails?

This article seems sort of insensitive. The quote at the end is bad, too. "People actually do that." Like they're monsters. I guess a psychology professor isn't necessarily a psychologist, or she'd know saying things like that is harmful.

One of many proven methods:

Yikes. Once again I'm glad this sort of thing (like FB) wasn't around when I was younger and dating (and breaking up/being dumped). I guess it can work for some people, but my personality type would still have me mourning the jerk who dumped me via email and staying there if I'd had this option back in the day, I

My brother has two cats- one a ruthless predator who must be kept inside or he will kill everything he comes across. The other has no interest.

Meanwhile, I once accidentally stepped on my cat's tail while I was barefoot and on the carpet, and she reacted like I had maimed her for life. Then she maimed me.

Maybe the plants were fighting zombies?