Just now? What about the past thirty years?
Just now? What about the past thirty years?
Hey now. Don’t leave Norway’s Crown Prince Haakon out of this discussion:
I’d hit that.
I’m betting on Abraham or Eugene. I do *not* want Glenn gone.
But it’s so totally not punishment! Because the baby makes it perfect, you see! Babies are always cute and cuddly and cooing and no one has to worry about paying for their needs because they magically pay for themselves and no woman can have lingering physical and psychological issues from a rape because she now has a…
But remember: there’s no war on women. And much of this is being done to protect women’s health, obvs.
The minute I heard he was cast as Negan I knew I’d be faced with a problem. Because, 1) Bad bad bad bad bad guy is played by 2) an upsettingly sexy guy. Weird lady boners all around.
Was there anyone else who was not bothered by the cliffhanger and liked the finale for the most part? Although I found the Saviors’ tracking of the group a tad implausible, I enjoyed the hunted, claustrophobic theme. I thought the cliffhanger was a logical way to end the season. I’m looking forward to seeing Rick &…
When I first read the headline, my brain focused on the word “cage” and duplicated it within the title. So here I was thinking that Nicolas Cage and Vince Neil got into a cage fight in Vegas and I was all sorts of excited.
I think the mortgage crisis perpetuated the use of the “sovereign citizen” defense. A lot of people tried to use that excuse to get out of foreclosure action. None seemed to understand that their choice “not to do business” with us was exceptionally stupid, because to get the mortgage they had to do business with us.…
I thought they had great deals for employees and I kept a couple of accounts while I worked there. They’re pretty fee-happy for the general public, though.
I worked for Wells Fargo for many years. They’ve long been very consistent and vocal supporters of the LGBT community. They have a huge LGBT workforce, a large and active task force, and are very visible in the LGBT community wherever Wells Fargo is a big presence/employer. It’s a very safe place for LGBT workers to…
YES. It’s normal, sure. But it’s strange and so, so messy.
I feel like the epic grossness of childbirth cannot be stressed enough. Yes, it’s a fascinating process. Yes, it’s awesome having your kids come into the world. But it is also unbelievably disgusting.
That’s what ended up happening to me. Did it go OK for you?
Jeffrey Dean Morgan is so beautiful it’s almost upsetting. I want to have sex with every inch of him.
My labor was induced with my son. I wasn’t making much progress, so the doc decided to break my water to speed things along. So he stuck the giant crochet hook thingie in my business and soon it was pouring out of me.
Gawd, that man is sex on a stick. Let’s hope he isn’t too uglied up on The Walking Dead.
Benedict Cumberbatch has the same appeal to me as Guy Pearce. Neither are exactly good-looking, but they definitely aren’t bad-looking either. Both just have sort of a face you don’t forget, and I mean that in a good way. Now that I think about it, I’d probably lump Adam Driver in that group too, although he’s less…
That is the most on-point description of Channing Tatum’s head and neck that I have ever read. I hope one day he dresses head to toe in bright yellow to complete that mental image for me.