
Wow, good on the clerk. Watching without the audio, she grabbed the baby so gently and calmly I initially thought that the clerk had perhaps had experience with someone who had a seizure. Listening to the audio, it sounds as though she really didn’t know what was happening. Whatever the case, I’m glad everyone is OK.

I’m so glad I didn’t grow up during a hat-prominent era. I have both voluminous curly hair and a really big head. I always end up looking like I’m wearing a Barbie hat.

Gawd, that looks itchy.

Thank you. :) I truly appreciate that. It feels good to hear that.

I’m in the bottom third of Gen X, and I’m kind of with you. I know there are some Buzzfeed videos that are a real stretch. But I do think the spirit that goes into making them is generally good, whether it be sympathetic or at least with the intention for viewers to think of something they may take for granted in a

Ugh, that’s ROUGH. I take it you got the annoyed, “*tsk* You’ll make new friends, you’re not the only one who is leaving everything behind, why are you the only one who is being a pain about this?!?”

My brother did get the sympathy. My dad was commuting and living in a different city during the week. They kept up that arrangement until my brother graduated, although to be fair it was partly because they had problems selling the house.

GOOD. I’m glad they are taking Sasha’s feelings into consideration. My family moved from my hometown while I was in high school. The move was absolutely necessary, something I knew even then. But my parents’ response to my fears about going to a different school was a lot of eye rolls and calling me a selfish wuss. It

I think the term “Aunt Flo” is hilarious only because I actually had an Aunt Flo. She was my grandma’s sister. So the term “Aunt Flo” didn’t mean much to me for a long time because dude, she’s just the lady who looks like a darker haired version of Grandma and what’s so hush-hush about that?

I think nowadays fewer women are ashamed or embarrassed by menstruation as they are just having some fun with a rather shitty time of the month. “I’ve fallen to the Communists” is far more punchy and fun than, “I’m menstruating.”

George’s mistress (Lady Jersey) supposedly urged him to marry Caroline. His other choice was Louise of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, his cousin on the other side. Louise was very pretty, well-educated, and had a spotless reputation. Caroline was cute, but her family life wasn’t great and she grew up to be kind of an odd duck.

I think both Charles and Diana went into the marriage with the best intentions and the hopes at making it work, but I believe both had very, very different ideas as to what “making it work” meant.

No, she didn’t. It wasn’t a royal requirement or anything, just a directive Charles took from his uncle.

Virginity wasn’t necessary then either. Charles had been more or less told to look for a virginal girl he could mold and impression as he wished, but it wasn’t a requirement or anything.

You must hate your neighborhood. I know I would.

Is it even that many?

As others have said above - and myself as well - this is not something I’d say about anyone else but the person who was probably the worst human being to ever exist. I’ve explained my reasonings, as have others, but clearly they’re falling on deaf ears. Go on over to a neo-Nazi forum with your pity party for Hitler.

As I said in my original post, I wouldn’t do this to nearly anyone else but Hitler. He treated several different groups of people in a completely inhumane way. So why should he suddenly be worthy of compassion for differences for which he ordered others killed?

Right?!? While I’d protest if this article was written about almost any other man, I’m kind of OK with being nasty about Hitler.