
Some of the things you said in your post really hit me in a very good way. I miss the friendship I had with my former BFF (we had been close friends from middle school all the way into our 30s), she too was far more work than I realized until I didn’t have to speak to her. Her persecution complex and judgmental

Having your ex-husband’s baby? Damn, that’s a COLD MOVE on your former friend’s part. Yowch. I hope you live far away from them now.

I had one very, very close friend with whom I fell out about four years ago. We’d been best friends for 20+ years. She’d been through a very rough patch (death of a parent, divorcing asshole husband), but married again to a much better guy. She seemed to be doing really well again…until she wasn’t. She became

Skeevy older dudes hitting on younger women was the first thing that came to my mind when I read this.

Because of this episode of The Simpsons and the movie MacGruber, the term “upper decker” is a popular one at my house. My 12-year-old son is particularly fond of this phrase.

Now playing

I think the fact that Pompeii was a wealthy city contributed to the good dental health of its residents. Pompeii was both a resort town to the wealthy (many had vacation homes there) and also a prime wine growing region meant that its citizens were well-fed and had access to the best dental care in existence during

Well, of course it was about states’ rights. The states that left the Union wanted to choose to keep up a system that was not practical...without thousands of slave laborers.

I pined for a boyfriend all throughout high school. That mostly had to do with my insecurity about my looks, the need to feel loved and accepted, and the turbulence of my teens (moving just before high school, the death of my father and grandfather in a three month period, dealing with my grieving mother). I also saw

My first boyfriend was “advised” by his dumbass man-whore friend that virgins behaved just like that when they first had sex. He was a bit apprehensive to have sex with me as a result. The bleeding part was spot on in my case, but I didn’t fucking scream. I was too young and timid at the time to suggest that his idiot

I’ve often said I’d love to take another maternity leave - as long as I didn’t have to be pregnant again or have another baby.

I had appendicitis about two years ago. As soon as I was told that yes, I most certainly had appendicitis and yes, it was coming out that night, my thoughts were, a) “Good, this hurts like a motherfucker,” and b) “Two weeks off work, praise Jebus...”

My Mexican-American BFF is mistakenly identified as Asian on a regular basis by people of all walks of life.

I love the bejeezus out of that movie. Best flick of 1988.

Or heroin, if she gets back with Thack.

I could watch a spin off show of nothing but Cleary and Sister Harriet. Best platonic TV life partners EVER.

Is it bad that I kind of hated Lucy by the end of last season because she broke adorable Bertie’s heart? I mean, I get why she was all turned on by Thack and the adventure (and neuroses) that came with it. But Bertie is so sweet and adorable and he liked her so much! :(

ME TOO. Have you seen the new trailer, with Thack tied up in a boat?

While I don’t believe for a second that this happened, the Vatican’s response on the incident intrigued me.

I’ve always preferred going barefoot whenever I can. Kicking off my shoes when I step in the door in now instinctive. I don’t ask my guests to take their shoes off when they come to my house, but I don’t mind if they do.

YES. I said to Mr. eejm yesterday that it looked like Melrose Place decided to join the FBI.