Or a new mom?
Or a new mom?
I’m cool with oatmeal raisin cookies if I know ahead of time that it is indeed an oatmeal raisin cookie. However, if I bite into the oatmeal raisin cookie after being told it is a chocolate chip cookie, then it becomes a deadly serious consent and trust issue.
I saw that on another site. It’s pretty clear that this situation has a) come up before in Quiverfull families and b) is largely perpetuated by men. Why do I say that? Well, women and girls are told from birth to always give complete reverence to men. Consequently, a female victim is instructed that despite being…
Ugh, I’m so sorry to hear you and your mom went through this. I’m very glad you were able to get away.
Huh. Since when did Mike Huckabee post on Jezebel?
I can understand that. But the response given seems as though it would be appropriate for something far less serious, say if Josh had taken a car for a joyride and put a dent in the fender. That would be serious (stealing, inflicting damage, putting himself in harm’s way) but it is also likely a one time stupid but…
Oh for fuck’s sake. So basically having the children of the family molested by an older sibling is a big bummer? Well, we hope it won’t happen, but if it does, them’s the breaks and no biggie?
- Proudly and unabashedly loves taking bubble baths.
Gawd, that movie was a travesty.
I can watch abnormally large tumor shows until my eyes bleed. I would be more than happy with an entire channel dedicated just to that.
For fuck’s sake, Mama June. Claiming that the child sexual abuse scandal that took your show away isn’t as bad as the child sexual abuse scandal that may end another show is nothing, I repeat NOTHING to brag out. It’s serious and disgusting and illegal and horrifying all around, so shut your pie hole, like, now.
I wonder if Josh resigned voluntarily from his position at FRC or if he was forced to do so. If it was the latter (and I think it was), that’s pretty amazing. I mean, you have to do something truly horrible if an organization that’s made its name on hate and discrimination sees that your moral failings are too…
I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Josh was not the only brother doing this, given this family’s views on the superiority of boys over girls and the extremely sexually oppressive teachings they receive.
When my son was about three, he hated Sesame Street with the exception of Elmo’s World. So I’d have to fast forward through to the final ten minutes so he could only watch Elmo’s World. I never understood it because I’m a die-hard Count fan, but there you go.
That’s the first thing that came to my mind. In Sulkowicz’s case, I can at least understand where accusation that she’s lying came in because she specifically named someone. (I’m not saying I agree with the labeling of her as a liar, but I can understand the motive to do so.) However, in Dunham’s case she gave the man…
Amen! I buy tops and dresses from the tall line because they actually fit my broad shoulders, long arms, and long torso. I haven’t had much luck with their pants, but I’ll admit that I haven’t tried them in awhile. Maybe it’s time to take a look at them again.
Yes! That’s why the idea of virginity being a “gift” to a partner never made sense to me. I consider my “gift” was that I knew what the hell I was doing.
I agree with you in that saying the actual number isn’t a big deal. I will say that both my husband and I were relieved that we’d both had sex when we met because it meant we each had at least had some clue about what to do. (We met when we were very young.)
I know my husband’s (2) and he knows mine (5). Then again, we’ve known each other for almost 19 years, so it had a good chance of coming up at some point. It hasn’t really mattered since we both tested negative for STIs and we’re on the same page regarding our commitment to each other. I can’t tell you when was the…
Man, I *so* wanted to do this when I was a young, stupid teen. I knew my mom would (rightfully) kill me, so I didn’t. But man, did I want to just bunk off and live in the park for a few nights.