
Steve McQueen. Mmmm...

Marlon Brando circa 1955 was sex on a stick with a side of hot sauce.

I loved Raul Julia and blubbered like a baby when he died.

Glad I'm not the only one who was lost.

Right? This toy is totally sexist! What about people who enjoy the penis that also want to, um, fuck a disembodied foot?

Shoes...heh. I see what you did there. :D

This is one of those, "...it takes all kinds..." moments, isn't it?

I couldn't have this done to me. I mean, besides it being in public and all, I need things quiet to be able to concentrate and enjoy. Even having the TV on is too distracting for me.

Clearly you know my mother and brother. They were both especially good at victim-blaming:

"Most of the parents I talk to are boomers, who share similar values and beliefs, including thoughts on how parents should be treated. The similarities I've seen in stories about how they lost contact with their children created a new direction for my research — our culture."


I understand that, but I feel as though I have to choose between either having soft hands and smelling like a locker room, or having dry hands and smelling neutral.

Nope, I'm a girl (don't mind the avatar). Vaseline seems to work best on my hands, and another poster suggested baby oil on my legs. I'm going to try that - I don't normally have baby oil around, so I didn't even think about that. Thanks!

I use a very mild cleanser on my face as it's really acne prone. I use Ivory everywhere else. No bueno?

I'll try the oil on my legs and arms right afterward. I hadn't really thought about that. I usually use straight vaseline on my hands as it's the only thing that seems to work, but vaseline on my legs seems so...thick, I don't know. My hair is naturally curly, so I'm all over the non-sulfate shampoos. I can

Nope, I'm caucasian. I do stick by vaseline for my hands as none of the lotions seem to do much good. I wish could just transfer some of the oil from my face to my hands. Oil glands are cruel mistresses!

Every day. If you smelled me in the morning, you'd be thankful of this.

I'm torn about this. I shower every morning like clockwork. I tend to sweat when I sleep and wake up smelling kind of rank. I also have really oily skin on my back, face, and scalp. The skin on my limbs and extremities, though, is cracked and dry. So what do I do?

My childhood best friend, a girl, was a ring bearer in a wedding. The flower girl was her first cousin. So why didn't anyone think it was cute when they fell in love and got married?

I've never been fired or fired anyone myself, but my maid of honor was a complete bitch to me during the whole process. I found out later that she was jealous I was marrying before she was. Maybe I should have fired her? I don't know, but we're (surprise!) no longer friends.