
My labor with my son was induced. I wasn't progressing much after several hours of labor, although it was making me barf like Reagan MacNeil. The doctor decided that breaking my water might help speed everything along. So he stuck the giant crochet hook thingie up my...thingie, and poked.

Ugh, that's terrible. :(

Something I didn't quite understand from the article: it sounds as though Tyler was having eye problems before the attack. Did he have a degenerative disease of some sort?

No. In my world, the Christmas season does not begin in any way, shape, or form until Santa comes riding in at the end of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day. Not a moment before, not a moment after.

My mom has a cat who had to have been a ninja in her former life. She's an indoor-outdoor kitty (summer only, winter is too cold on her delicate little toes) and ventures around the open field behind my mom's house and into the storm sewers regularly. She's always coming back with mice, ground squirrels, baby

Oh, dude, no kidding. I had a couple break ups that I really took on the chin, but one in particular stayed and stayed and stayed with me. It would have been 100 times worse if I'd have had to see him constantly checking in on Facebook having fun, hanging out with girls without me. Thankfully that was all done

The dad of a friend of my sons couldn't eat a variety of these foods (Popsicles, corn dogs, bananas) in public for fear of ridicule.

"Desecration of a venerated object"? Doesn't that make it sound as though the statue was damaged? While this kid is obnoxious and stupid for doing this and taking pictures (and the church members are probably understandably pissed), it doesn't sound as though the statue itself needed repairs. I'd say the charges are

My mom has lived in Iowa for nearly 50 years. She has no discernible accent that I can tell. Yet whenever she's goes back to NW Minnesota where she grew up, she comes back sounding just like Marge Gunderson from Fargo.

I'm from that area! I don't live anywhere near there now, though. Dammit.

Thumbs up to Baby's parents' (Jerry Orbach!) bored sighing.

Or Drakkar Noir?

It's a look that does it for me. I call it the Rumpled Professor Look. Jeans/khakis, slightly messy hair, glasses, turtleneck, a blazer (with elbow patches, mmmm), witticisms and a big ol' sexy brain. A movie version of my Rumpled Professor Fantasy would star Mark Ruffalo in this very get up.

There is no shame whatsoever in finding Jeremy Renner delightful.

OUCH. Broken???

I'm the opposite. My son had a 14.5 inch head. Had I given birth to him the typical way, I'm fairly certain he'd have literally ripped me a new asshole.

That made me cackle so hard my dog became concerned.

My mom asked me if I wanted her in the delivery room when my son was born. I said no, I was good with just Mr. eejm. She said she'd have tried, but didn't think she'd have been able to last because I was in pain. I was glad we saw eye to eye on that, because the woman has no patience and she'd have probably started

YES. I also had a c-section and I noticed the giant reflective light just as the doctor started cutting. I willed myself not to look at it again out of fear that I'd freak the fuck out seeing my body open and organs splayed out. I did watch the videotape of my son's birth after he was born, but I don't think I

I'd be willing to go all Sister Wives with you to get a piece of that deal.