How is saying “I live in a wonderfully diverse little enclave” any different right now from saying “I’m white but I’m not racist cuz I have a black friend!”?
How is saying “I live in a wonderfully diverse little enclave” any different right now from saying “I’m white but I’m not racist cuz I have a black friend!”?
Oh GAWD.....
Not as funny as someone who “hates” guns but continuously surrounds themselves with people holding them.
Nice argument.
Holy FUCK! I swear to God, my husband says he used to have night~terrors when he was little and this is a major reason of why I possibly don’t want kids!
Yes, let’s.
Oh ok, thank you!
Oh no I wish I had read your comment before I admitted Hillary Clinton into a hospital and ordered an MRI, CT scan, ultrasounds of her carotid arteries,an echocardiogram, a PT consult, OT consult, swallow screen, and telemetry! Oh wait, I didn’t do that—I just posted a comment! Phew!
Nurses do not diagnose people, and it’s Mrs. RN. And I didn’t diagnose anyone, I just posted a comment.
I don’t diagnose people as a nurse, and I didn’t. I wrote an opinion. SORRY!
You have a pretty good point there.
Ok you are correct and I apologize for my comment. But that’s really weird you should mention Terry Schiavo cuz I was having a conversation with my husband yesterday about her and that whole situation.
Yes, you are correct. Chill out!
Well yes, we all have read the update now.
Well but that video didn’t show someone “a little faint”. I mean, she had absolutely no control over her lower extremities, you can see her feet being dragged against the street as her peeps chucked her into the van!
I gotta agree with you! I am 100% anti-Trump, I am also an RN on an ortho-neuro floor and I gotta say, that looked like a neurological condition more than heatstroke. At what point can someone look at this and go—-”hmmm, this does not look good for a potential US President” without being called sexiest, stupid and a…
BabyJane, can we be best friends and talk about The Real Housewives 4 ever???
You are absolutely right!
Is it just me, or is Pitbull fucking disgusting?
Hahaha oh no!!!!