ActonCurrerEllis Bell

He clearly has no clue about protocol, formal speech, or any of the various topics - vagueness is his friend and safety net.

You know what, Dems, I’ll believe it when I see it.

Yeah well only about 18 months ago people were saying there’d never be a President worse than W. Bush and look what happened.

I used to volunteer a lot for Planned Parenthood in Los Angeles, and much of that was “community outreach” — going to communities that had a clinic and passing out information about the services it offered. The very first time I did one of those, I had what remains the most rewarding and simultaneously most

no one in their right mind would ever fuck them?

I’d settle for being the country that knew how to spell the names of the leaders of its major allies.

Just wanted to add that that’s $30k to live on in one of the most expensive cities on earth.

Bingo. If you’ve got 30-40 years to retirement, you should be 90-100% in low-cost index funds. The stock market drops 50%? That’s a buying opportunity. You’ve still got decades to recoup. If you’ve got 5-10 years to retirement, that shit had better be in low-risk bonds.

Buy, idiots. Asset value only ever goes up, economies only ever expand, and, simply put, there is infinite room for growth with no downside. That’s been my life experience anyway

This is only weird if you assume that a husband and wife are literal extensions of each other, rather than two distinct human beings.

well that’s just not productive of you, but ok i guess! do you!

What can I say? I can’t resist a golden opportunity.

Anyone else find themselves constantly doing that thing where you start a rant, decide you need to stop because you’re going to make yourself sick/have a rage stroke, and then 10 seconds later start up again because you just can’t stop?

Oh man, this is like when you’re leaving town and asking the neighbor teenager to watch your house, then realize what you’ve done and lock up every loose/important item in your house to try to save it JUST IN CASE

How did that come off as mansplaining—let alone mansplaining to women of color? If anything, I would think it would come off as mocking white women of an age bracket and regional locale that would predispose most people around them to presume they are Democratic voters—or not voters at all.

Dude, it’s called the “Women’s March on Washington.” I didn’t even know men were invited. I hadn’t checked the Facebook group. I’m supportive of women’s issues, but I’m also aware that men getting involved with women’s groups, without being explicitly invited, is often seen (justifiably) as butting in.

Smug bastards are probably rocking out to Bowie’s new single, too .

As a Canadian, every day it’s been like waking up and rediscovering that yes, your downstairs neighbors really HAVE decided to set the building on fire.

“The height of artistic and cinematic crudeness conjoined” was my favorite line because it’s so darn true.

I don’t see how that changes the answers. Literally every era prior to the present one is ranked worse than being hit by a car, in large part because of stuff like the example you gave.