My friend in Iowa joined the O’Malley section just to make things more fun. She and the others (who all seemed to be just trolling) were then wooed by each side to lots of clapping and cheering.
My friend in Iowa joined the O’Malley section just to make things more fun. She and the others (who all seemed to be just trolling) were then wooed by each side to lots of clapping and cheering.
oh my god, this is a beautiful revelation.
I can’t believe I’m saying this but GOOD FOR FOX NEWS.
Friend of a friend had great sex with a former Degrassi star (not Drake, sorry) after meeting him at a bar. He asked her to marry him right afterwards. She was creeped out and never returned a text/call/email from him again.
Wait I literally read all of that and had to think for a moment if that was a real quote from him or not. It was pretty spot on until the blankets; come on, like he (or any of the other Republicans) knows any history from before WWII.
The Times looked at candidates and how they speak, and compared them to books. It is really funny. Trump is obvi waaaay down at the “simple” end.
Reine’s emphasis on “competency” is really, really bizarre....
Thank god I went to TJ’s earlier this week and stocked up on wine.
Even looking at Ted Cruz’s face gives me the heebie-jeebies. I would take Trump over him, anytime. He is the real, insidious threat here. Waiting to see what tonight’s debate will bring....
Yes yes yes yes I love this, more of these, please!!!!!!
Yep. Conservatives love turning themselves into the oppressed group. It’s a clever way to keep their constituency angry and convinced that their problems are caused by someone else (Obama, Muslims, the Media, Black Lives Matter, mean women who won’t give them any attention, on and on and on...) rather than disgusting,…
Yep. Love this. American conservatives have an extreme martyr complex that causes them to think of themselves as the most oppressed, put-upon, judged, and tormented group on this entire fucking planet.
I lived overseas for awhile and was pretty nervous about going to the dentist, given that it was a country where gold teeth were very much in vogue still.
Thank you for being a voice of reason.
Ahh you’re back! I’ve missed you, Lauren. And I miss ITheeDread, as I’m assuming it has gone down the tube now, too.
Thank you! Sometimes it seems like when people buck norms, they also have to add, “And this is SO MUCH better than marriage/diamond rings/a white dress because clearly those people don’t REALLY love each other/are sexless and joyless/are bridezillas.”
Came here to say exactly that....If you live in a state that allows common law marriage (can’t speak for countries outside of the US, though some do), you are basically granted all of the rights of a married couple, minus the formality. My fiance and I have been operating under “common law” marriage in DC for the past…
I’m late on this, but I hope someone sees it. I need some advice.
There is a monument dedicated specifically to the victims of communism here in DC. (actual phrase. created partly from bill sponsored by Jesse Helms, obvi. check it out here:…)
It’s going to be a vampire series about people/vampires named Bedward and Ella called “Midafternoon,” and it’s totally going to be unique and interesting.