basement!? Fightin words!
basement!? Fightin words!
I'm having trouble selecting my response to this because I'm used to Jersey shade but I'm being good today so I don't want to get ahead of myself so…I'll wait https://uploads.disquscdn.c…
So much goodness in this post…my top two
1. "Suck on it, New York!" bc I'm from Jersey and NYC needs to be knocked down a peg
2. "And by 'hooka' I mean 'hooka and another substance that I never partake in and won’t name but did last weekend because fuck it.'" bc why nots?
No cooking…will be recovering by the pool after spending the weekend with my fam 😩
TBH the flashbacks have me leaning towards life.
Lol! No much worse…I caught an attitude then turned my back like I'd won the fight..I was so wrong smh
Doooooo it! I'm already thinking about how i'm going to break this news of a career change to my very traditional Haitian parents but clearly I got talent now. https://uploads.disquscdn.c…
Totally agree! This is making me think about a political cartoon that my sister shared with me (… ) … we joke often about Hoteps but this really made me think about how this worldview is contributing to Black women being left out of the conversation…shouting about Black liberation but…
I can't mess with yall today…this thread has me closing my office door to lol in peace.
I watched the trailer and was so dumbstruck that I busted out laughing and walked out of the room
This is one of those sites that I didn't know I needed in my life until someone gives me the gift of knowledge. this is seriously going to up my procrastination game! I thought I was the bootleg queen but I was slacking. A humble thank you!
But doesn't it get frustrating? I feel like upgrades are inevitable…
Downloading now…Fuq u grad school, I'm an artist now! mama I made it!
LOL always slipping in a J. Cole mention ("J. Cole can go platinum with no features") simultaneously makes me double over with laughter and feel like I can conquer the world.
But it's been part of the conversation since the beginning of time (whether it be the conversation about what to do when you get pulled over or the suggestions born of respectability politics) and it isn't working. We have to be able to admit that it's not working. Personal responsibility didn'the save Philando…
I don't think what she did is being separated from the end result. In fact I think it's one of the things at the core of the outrage. Everyone goes through life doing things we "shouldn't" that arguably don't translate into us deserving to lose our lives. Whether she shot at police or not, they didn't have to kill…
YES to all of this! This is what I meant below when I was saying there is more opportunity for men to intervene and act than providing support and resources to victims/survivors. We have to be proactive and think about prevention too not just engage in reactive interventions as if that is the whole picture.