Emil C.

Really? The All-Stars versions have never felt right to me. Less responsive, somehow.

I meant more the fact that she was Asian, but yes, her powers were more like “what does the story need right now?”

To be fair, Jenny Sparks seems to be a mix of Jenny Quantum with Sparks’s old power set (minus the blatant electricity) and the existence of Century Babies as per the old Wildstorm universe is yet to be confirmed (and doubtful to be the case exactly as it was before) so it’s understandable that it’s a bit different

This has been acknowledged by DC to be its own separate universe/Earth within the 52.

My favorite pick in a while. The slowest of burns, but so rich and so good.

Oh, man. Ahhhhhh, man.

Just imagine: Batman vs Inque.

That is a different country who is our enemy at the moment.

But if you have a credible defense of why in the hell this is all happening before the start of the original series, I’m all ears.

I feel like an electric motorbike that looks nothing like a Harley might be a great first step though.

Yes, it was.

but harley purists will fucking hate it.

They also announced they’ll be making an electric motorcycle, so there’s that, too.

But, if this really is the Prime Universe, knowledge of the Mirror Universe, the loss of the Prime Defiant and its role in the Terran Empire, as well as the entire mess with Lorca and the Discovery has to be covered up by the Federation/Starfleet in order for “Tholian Web” and “Mirror, Mirror” to make any sense.

I think there’s an extra point in what Nanette’s role is at the end of the episode.

Yup. Give me Mario Maker and 3D World on the Switch and mine will be the first preorders.

I will pre-order Super Mario 3D World Switch and Mario Maker Switch the second they become available.

I found the Kylo/Luke fight to be reminiscent of the Obi-Wan/Maul fight in Rebels. Especially the footwork.

Just came back from one!

As a city-only bike commuter, I applaud this. It’s so much easier, so much faster, so much cheaper and so much, much more fun to commute on a small bike or a scooter than with a car. Yes, it’s cold, and yes, you’re more exposed to everything, but damn if it doesn’t cheer me up every day.