Emil Danielsen

@Bubbleman! All life begins and ends with Nu..: I bought the PS3 because of the blueray player. More discspace is important for more content. I do think it is a legitimate debate though, wether the ps4 will have a disc medium, or if it indeed needs one.

Firs person perspective games break the fourth wall, by letting you be the eyes of the character.

Way to go Mr. Desilets. We need more brave en, with brave ideas with new I.Ps

@Blore07: Probably people are. But you are not seeing them on kotaku.

@Lamp: Colour me impressed.

On that guy it looked like someone had used cellshading + bloom. Not realistic, but cool anyway. I'd watch a movie with this style. Soo. most expencive movie ever: 3D + HDR + IMAX ?

@uspc40: Capital Punishment is one thing, but there is one other field in society where murder is totally accepted: war.

Hahaha! That's Norways PM

@rdgalactus: It's normal in a design process to take a second look at something that is already created. This however it seems that the tools will be there to create something polished and good.

Anyone else but me going gaga over LittleBigPlanet 2? It's just... powerful... interesting, and still so easy to get into!

@theGigaflop: That's not accurate. The whole point of the article is that simulation at the neruon- level is nessecary because there can be unforseen interactions in the cell that lead to different outputs.


Still wanting that front facing camera for iPad.

Dude. You know where he works.

Good. That should mean a rush of second- hand iPads then. I'm in the market for cheap.

I love how EVE has become so real that news are seeping out from big events. I suggest calculating real- life sizes of online communities by dividing play- time by 12 (as in a 12 hour day, letting the rest go to sleep or waste), and then letting that number represent the people. In WOW the total number of players is

Always did like Kane from "The Legacy of Kain". He was grumpy and lonely, but he had style and perseverence. + great voice acting. Always helps.

The most important iPad update for me would be a front facing camera for face time. And THAT I hope will happen at the same launch window as for the iPad last year.

I've tried playing Darksiders now for a while. And I can see that they do a lot of things well, but even so, I absolutely hate that game. And I can't tell what it is. Are the enemies too porly designed perhaps? Are the "puzzles" too mundane? Do they not provide enough motivation? Is it that the character has no mind

It is a mistake to believe that one cannot be immersed into a world which is nothing like our own. When we dream, the surreal makes sense. When we watch a movie we sometimes fall into this narrative trance, and connect to the movie emotionally that way. That way. But if the movie does not make sense, we loose the