
@ELUNO: I have to congratulate you on reading the article, if you did read it you would have noticed it said they moved up four places from 2007.

@Erwos: Sims using avatars has already been done, it was called My Sims.

I love the hobo style avatar he made.

Slowly it seems music games are to become the "it" genre of game this generation for consoles.

When I was 6 I would have loved to dress up as Mario or Luigi.

A virtual punch?

gb2 4Chan.

I loved the entire video...right up till the Werewolf Sonic part. I would love to play a full game of just the first half of that video.

I found that interesting, I bet the first penis level would be out on the day the software is released.

Zango have always been doing the old "You must download Zango to continue" for years now, this is no different.

@Maldron: I didn't know "All major titles launched during the next fiscal year or thereafter will be developed as multi-platform games" also translates to Dead Rising PS3 confirmed.

@PsycheE: Doesn't have a Europe Kotaku.

I'd give it my time, I get reminded of Fahrenheit with all the small quick time events along with a few other styles of gameplay to mix it up.

Ah, I needed something to play and if it gets a group of people pissed off then it has to be worth at least a 5 minute play.

I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.

I'm sure Mega-Man wouldn't have been a good character in the end, Sonic and Snake could have done with much more polish before been included and Mega-Man would have just been the same if he was included in Brawl.

I'd use Chrome is they sorted out how much memory it takes up just to run, hopefully that is one of the major changes when it updates.

@Wubbytoes: There already is one, you don't get to work with him till the last case.

I will admit to been one of the "sad set of people" who wouldn't go unless all ties with the comic were cut, but that is because I think the comic is extremely overrated, and no amount of preaching about how stupid I am or how good you think the comic is will make me change my mind.