
Just as I start to have a bit of respect for EA two of their titles have problems, EA sports need to clean up their act quickly as it's dragging the rest of the reputation the company has down fast.

Them in the video alone is enough to put me off buying the game, I would rather break the disc and ram it down their throats and have to wait longer for the game then put up with them.

So where are the beautiful people?

@phnord: On the other hand the game could have been in development a lot longer then 7 months and there is a good chance they never heard of your homebrew software.

"And that's to say nothing of the rosters fiasco, for which EA says a patch is coming soon."

We don't need any more Rock Band or Guitar Hero games, we need more cheerleading games like this to sell by the truck load.

@Bboboo: It may very well be able to be rearranged to spell Newton, but if you look it is actually just Newton backwards.

@deathtastic: Rake? I see no rake in that picture.

@Amazon_Chris: They are using old Nintendo style Wiitchcraft to make the game work on the Wii.

I have to agree with everyone about the camera issue, over half the time I was facing away from the battles and just won from luck because I couldn't see what I was up to.

Add any more NIN tracks to Rock Band and I might wake up one day to find out my mum has bought Rock Band and took over my Xbox to play the songs.

@LittleBigPlaneteer: Netflix been US only is no big loss to me in the end even more so if the movie selection is poor, can't say the Netflix thing ever interested me from day one.

Maybe if the big 3 companies there actually announced something quite interesting then it might have not been as much of a failure as it seemed.....

The main thing I would like to know is how are all these new things like Netflix going to be on the UK users?

@CaveHonkey: Nope, I need to get around to buying another even though nothing it wrong with my current one.

"It's official. E3 2008 has officially given up the ghost. Time of death was approximately 4:08 PM Pacific Standard Time."

Can't Sega just put in a option to skip all the night time sections of the game so the good daytime sections can be played without having to worry about the bad bits?

Would love to hear Jimi's opinion on how popular games like Rock Band and Guitar Hero have become in recent years.