
But didn't GTA:SA have a giant purple dildo as a melee weapon and that didn't get a AO rating till around the hot coffee incident kicked off.

Does Olimar have to return?

@badasscat: That is what I was thinking, there is only so long you can keep riding off the success of only two games.

Was Lost Planet good enough to deserve a film?

I don't want new Mario or Zelda games, I want some new Nintendo games with new characters or at least starring some of the lesser used ones bar a appearance in Smash Bros.

I'm liking how it looks so far.

At least someone at EA realises one of the main reasons for the amount of hate they get.

@karasu is my homeboy: I could be totally wrong but won't they need some sort of memory anyway for the OS the console uses?

@Hdfisise: Maybe they used people who are colourblind to a certain shade of red to produce this cover and they thought it was ok.