
Dang I will just bet the regular Root readers were majorly disappointed in this mess. NO BAD wypipo. NO BAD PO-LICE. And it turns out to be a Jussie Smollett rerun!

Here we go again. One a dem wypipo will carry the day here. Meanwhile...”If we look at the FBI statistics for violent crimes we can see that whites committed 241,063 of the 408,873 violent crimes, which is 58% of the total. So 61% of the population is committing 58% of the violent crimes, so the math lines up. (FBI Tab

So this article is arguing that Dallas PD orchestrated the entire thing? Would that include the guy getting shot and confessing to a crime that will likely see him spend the vast majority, if not the rest of, his life in prison? Are they also time travelers that orchestrated the previous attempt on his life?

Citation needed.

...you took a dick out of your mouth just long enough to spout this bullshit? Copied Harris and Castro? LOL!!! Barack was a charity vote, nothing he did in 8 years was special or historical, him and his beard need to just disappear completely. You’ll vote for Harris just like you voted for Obama, blindly based on

Not the Antonio Brown come back story I expected.

Now playing

When are one of the writers for The Root going to praise the true icon Thomas Sowell? He’s one of the greatest minds on the planet and yet he gets very little love from other black people. More people need to be exposed to Thomas Sowell. Starting with the writers for The Root;

Not especially, no.  There are real problems in the world, getting in a twitter fight with people who make jackass comments is not productive and only encourages jackasses like that to do more jackass shit.

+1 awesome conversationalist

This is one that I find it really hard to get upset about.  People have been doing that kind of thing to standees forever.  Wearing Team Mitch shirts makes you an asshole, messing around with a standee does not.

Wait, so you just assume all white folks have generational money? That’s hilarious. A lot of us grew up dirt poor and worked our asses off to get where we are. Without handouts. It wasn’t given to us or passed down. Is this what all black folks think, that all whites just ‘have money’? The generalization your making

Reparations Sorta seems like a..Handout to me. Yes, I’m Black and I..Said it !@!!!! Some of you would take the money and buy unecessary Sh** like clothes,jewelry, DOPE (Yep I said this too!) 40 ounces (alcohol), Reparations would only widen the gap of racism in this country.Yes racism and slavery was wrong. Now Get

Because it wasn’t just a monument to celebrate abolition. The author of the article oversimplified it. Laboulaye loved the idea of America—its liberation from England, its constitution, its anti-monarchism, and its abolition of slavery. He didn’t seek to create a monument to celebrate abolition exclusively. He was

I think you’re oversimplifying it. Making this just about whiteness ignores the scourge that is Evangelical Christianity. The polls you mention spoke to mainline Christians but the people passing these laws are Evangelicals. Evangelicals are to America what ISIS is to the Middle East. This isn’t about whiteness. It’s

Problem is, income inequality isn’t just about race. Certainly, the rich are disproportionately white, but no one is doing anything to redistribute or re-balance the wealth gap, even if we’re only talking about among whites, and no one has since what, the late 70s? Further, whites aren’t even the most economically

“I would never be brave enough to do what Jussie did. He put his personal freedom at stake and shined a light into some dark corners that need cleaning. In a way, I’m proud of him. Because it doesn’t necessarily matter that this event didn’t happen. It matters that it could happen. That’s the real issue here. So good


Valentina Salsa Picante is a fantastic, almost Buffalo wing-style sauce. Creamy texture and delicious on pizza. I could eat this by itself.

Valentina Salsa Picante is a fantastic, almost Buffalo wing-style sauce. Creamy texture and delicious on pizza. I

Given the nature of politics surrounding the state of Israel in the American context, Prof. Hill should have known that black intellectuals, politicians, clergy, activists and entertainers are not allowed nuance when criticizing Israel’s treatment of the Palestinian people. For black people you are either pro-Israel

This is wanna-be-intellectual drivel. Step 1: start with an over-simplified, pedestrian thought (i.e., white people cant introspect); Step 2: add a fancy quote to make it sound respectable (the older and more distinguished the author, the better); Step 3: make a loose, abstract connection to the quote; Step 4: add