Emerson Esq

I found this to be a big up on the source material as well. The original's trip into the bizarro world and Jimmy's moment of Doomsday-ness wasn't all I wished it could have been, and I was happy to see it omitted from the film.

awwww now thats all I can see!

I'm a little rusty, but wasn't he the "Bombastic Bag-Man"? Either way, the pinacle of superhero-dom

You can buy a 6-pack of beer for what most bars charge for a single or two, but I dont see bars going out of business any time soon.

I'd need my Spice Weasel with the heart-shaped nostrils. As long as we're dreaming, dream big I say. I'll pass on seeing it make a star though.

Haha you joke, but I wouldn't be surprised if you could get it replaced with the newest Classic.

As someone who worked at an Apple Store for two years, and did every gig imaginable in that timeframe, I wholeheartedly agree with this nameless hero. Customer hissy-fits at the Genius Bar are a daily occurrence, and you'd be surprised how well a hissy-fit can lead to a 4 year old iMac being replaced by a brand new

This trailer looks about 863.42% better than I expected it to. Hope the actual film can hold up.

Is there a reason that almost every exoplanet discovered orbits at so close to their star in comparison with our solar system? Does it have to do with our means of detecting these exoplanets? Is the Terran System (nerd) just a fluke?

she certainly has the body for Power Girl

How do i Heart someone in the new layout?! because I need to know right now.

@Darrisbob1: That would make a really awesome stage. Especially if there were pieces falling that could trap you, hurt you, and make the floor disappear

Samus seems to be playing the double bass not the cello #corrections

My video game confessions:



Nice work

I would buy it, but only if they included movie versions of everything. Like they did with the special edition of MGS3. Sometimes I just wanna watch something awesome, without making one of the characters walk to where the next awesome thing is gunna happen

I am in love with this article.