Emerson Esq

these are my favorite types of articles on this site. the tiny litte hacks to make life just that 0.01% easier... Thanks LH, this has been something I've done for years and get laughed at by my housemates.

Does Steve Ballmer age?

My problem is that it keeps happening. Every time he goes back in and tinkers with the Original Trilogy, I'm pissed and then I get over it because he promised "this is the last time".

good work japan. now, get to work with miniaturization. I want to drink a glass of juice with star shaped waves in it while i eat my square watermelon. everything should have shapes in it!

@JFParnell: Hey, hold your tongue sir. My Performa 575 was the pride and joy of my, at that point, 8 years of existence. It was my first GUI, my first connection to the web (eWorld), and a few other firsts. Yes, looking back, bleh, but what a warm place in my heart it shall always hold.

I learned to Examine Mailbox

I learned whats very effective

The only thing i see wrong with this game is the name... Calling it "Episode 1" has lead to many angry comment boards of people saying "I want the full game"

@hvrock13: I would belive that hypothesis. Your assertion of "bleh" could be spot on. I still hold out hope for it being something good. For all the bitching, they havent gone wrong in an OS in a while

@ian.nai: i'm hoping future versions of Mac OS run a *og fighting ring in my basement

@verspasian: You'd better believe we bitched. haha I almost got fired once for a craigslist rant i wrote anonymously when someone ratted me out... its nice to have a real job now lol

The prediction we always had at the Apple store I used to work at was, OS X Lion will be the last version of OS X. Looks like its time to find out if we were right.

@Kobun: sweet thanks! You get a heart!

Anybody get Sonic 4 for Wii yet? I'm stuck in "Lost Labyrinth: Act 3." Stuck on the puzzle where there are 4 torches that make platforms come out. Help?

Morgan's quip about Chuck and Sarah being only good at communicating in some "big dramatic moment" (or something like that) was a great little poke at the 4th wall. I always love it when they do that,

how the heck does he give up after one try at flight? one try? seriously? ive given it more tries than that. its not like falling from 30K feet hurts him. get up, think about the butterfly again, fall, get up, repeat until perfected.

its about time the 30-pin was put out to pasture. Not exactly sure this is the way to do it though...

If they do decide Killer Croc is the direction they are going, I hope they find a good way to keep it plausible in that universe. They did a great job with explaining Ra's al Ghul's immortality in the first one. I hope they can keep it up.