
Is the quality of the film actually relevant to why Snyder's comments are self-promoting garbage? I don't think so. While I believe Snyder was being genuine when he said during the theatrical press cycle that he'd be happy if the film got at least one person to pick up the comic that otherwise wouldn't have, one

The video only serves to remind me how much today's club scene is lacking without scary bald dudes snapping whips in the middle of dance circles.

I think "badass" is probably the wrong word to describe any of Walton Goggins' roles in recent years. On both JUSTIFIED and THE SHIELD, he seems to play characters that are smart tactical strategists but are truly awful at choosing allies and enemies. It's really Goggins' acting during the later SHIELD seasons that

So that when the vice principal has them strip searched on suspicion of marijuana possession, onlooking classmates will be too distracted by the embarrassing mom note to make fun of his Superman Underoos.

The highlight of the show for me was Warwick's joke about "Willow" having almost made its budget back as far as he knows.