cis-hetero here, I don’t get it either. Someone saying they are queer just means that they are queer. I don’t understand why so many people require strangers to fit definitions in their underdeveloped lexicon.
cis-hetero here, I don’t get it either. Someone saying they are queer just means that they are queer. I don’t understand why so many people require strangers to fit definitions in their underdeveloped lexicon.
I just don’t get how someone gets offended by someone else’s sexual and/or gender identity period.
As someone who has really struggled with the label “bisexual” but happily identifies as queer, the phrase,“when i really jus be walking around thinking ERRYBODY FINE.” really rings true to me.
I default to queer, open-minded, or just plain ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ because I get tired of the semantics game. I understand labels are important because it means visibility, but on a day to day level, it’s no one’s business who I’m into or who is into me.
I’m cishet, and I too don’t understand what the big deal is.
Those who are attracted across the spectrum usually don’t feel that bi fits them because bi = 2. Some people thus use the term bi+ or pansexual. Queer doesn’t necessarily mean being attracted to the spectrum of genders - it means whatever an individual wants it to mean, essentially. Even people who are monosexual…
“both primary genders”
Except plenty of people are attracted to more than just the two primary biological genders. There’s a spectrum in between male and female that bisexuality doesn’t fit.
This is a man that was looking for any reason to shoot someone. So many Americans are like this. So many “responsible gun owners” just cannot wait to have the opportunity to kill someone.
Why qualify this statement? It reads as though your response to this is “I feel bad for the 8 year-old boy, but worse for the adult women he later dated.” Yes, he cheated - but it does not sound like he raped anyone, so why qualify what sounds like a deeply traumatizing and lasting issue he bottled up as being lesser…
he gay
My son is dying. Please forgive my misogyny. Forgive me double because I’m an expert Value Signal dude.
I think Steff is far more complex than people give him credit for and is a fine crush to have.
he does it multiple times. i just watched the movie a few days ago. also, riding by her house dozens of times a day? riding in circles in a lot across from her house, watching? calling -repeatedly- and leaving messages every time within the space of like 20 minutes?
This is the logical conclusion of the anti-choice argument. It’s not surprising and I just wish more of them were intellectually honest about it.
I actually think I would ruin all the scenes laughing at him.
Looks like Freddie Krueger with oral herpes.
In one of the other articles here dragging him, there was a posted Twitter comment telling him that he looked like he woke up and died every day. I dont think anything will ever top that one.
yo my butthole clenched up looking at that top photo lol
I never got those type of pranks period. Like haha, you believed the words that I said! How crazy and zany!!