Emergency Induction Port

It’s pretty depressing to see how the Right has succeeded in turning natural allies into enemies. Plenty of gay people and feminists have subscribed to the same conservative ideology over this issue. Especially the completely nonsensical argument that the existence of a tiny, tiny number of trans athletes somehow will

“My client has retained the same team as Johnny Depp. You can take the settlement or you can get the Amber Heard treatment, complete with social media botfarm blitz and enough screeching incels to make GamerGate look like a love-in, feeding into a legacy-media outreach that’ll make anyone over 50 think you’re poison

Yes it’s terrible that we aren’t promoting the brand of Women the way we used to. And “pregnant people” is an awful phrase, obviously. I mean, affirming the personhood of those who are pregnant? Awful.

What an unbelievably ace-phobic comment section. On top of that, this comment is likely to stay in the greys while all the ace-phobia and denying our existence is going to stay right here on the front page where everyone can read it. I'm really disappointed in you, jezebel commenters. 

Thank you for writing this article Rich. It’s really nice to see people care about asexuality issues and speak to actual asexual people about it. And thank you to the few people in the comments trying to do the same.

You’re generally a reasonable person so this quote feels...not right, friend

Duh, Ya! I agree. It’s very well-known how incredibly difficult it is for a man to reach orgasm. It’s literally the biggest mens’ rights issue of our time.

this is sooooo funny if you read the article. lmfao do NOT do this

That is a very specific person you partnered her with. What about a 36 year old lighting tech he met on a set. Or a 42 year old director? Or the 40 year old daughter of one of his co-stars? There are a lot of women who aren’t some random person in the middle of nowhere but instead someone with similar life experience.

Girls are conditioned from childhood to think that an older man paying attention to them makes them special. “You’re so! mature for your age!” is said to girls a lot to make them accept unacceptable behavior from parents, teachers, and male strangers. We’re told the lie that girls “mature faster” than boys so the “wisd

How is Trust McConnell a legit move?? Do none of you dumbfucks understand this is how McConnell got 3 conservative judges appointed? JFC Moderate Democrats are so fucking stupid...

“What does it mean if one feels they were “actually supposed to be a boy” or a girl?”

I wonder how long until he’s back at that bar with all those white supremacists, this time celebrating his win.  Is mommy going to drive him to that, too?  

White Supremacy is a hell of a drug.

But that’s seriously ableist.

I have a chronic medical condition that has plagued me since childhood and nearly killed me a few times and my mother and father always made me feel like an inconvenience. They told me it, too. When I read this, I absolutely go back to that place.

When my daughter was born healthy, my mom

Personally, I think its intentional. He’s a massive piece of shit and I believe 100%, he would say something like this on purpose. Allegedly, he wants ton of children, as all toxic Christians do, is being groomed for a political career, and again allegedly, left Anna after she had miscarriage. 

You object to engaging with people’s issues like they are not a monolith? There are hierarchies and sub hierarchies. Of course things are complicated. 

these comments are strange. colorism is a very real issue. I don’t think anyone wants to lay the responsibility of colorism at the feet of light-skinned people of color (and yes, light-skinned people are still POC and this article says nothing to undermine that notion), but this article is trying to grapple with a

Because the celebritization of voice casting is fucking stupid and makes it harder for actual voice actors to find work.

The spectacle of grossness has grown tiresome. These are freaky gross people who profit from other people’s pain and/or ignorance. Attention whores to the very core, they share more in common with Donald Trump than anyone wants to admit. They are the living breathing example of why social media sucks.