Emergency Induction Port

It’s something like 1 in 6 people have HSV2 (‘genital’ herpes) and over half, potentially in the 80% range have HSV1 (‘oral’ herpes aka coldsores) both in quotes because it’s just preferred infection location and both can occasionally infect the others space but don’t like it (oral HSV2 generally displays one or

Plus, internalized misogyny is a factor, too

Imma start a list of things that every single sexworker is sick to fucking death of hearing:

As n Australian, I am so sorry. I am so so sorry. We should have tried harder to keep her contained to the island.

I had nothing better to do.

Wrong. Your body doesn’t know or care what time you ate those cookies and bodies don’t reset to zero calories at midnight.

This is part of Adam Sandler’s and Kevin James’s job. This is a work event, and that’s how they dressed. How unbelievably unprofessional.

They’re about four times more expensive at the nearest health food store which is a little over ninety miles away, but thanks for judging the ethics of a purchase I made while my daughter’s cat was dying.

Read the book. And I’d rather be an ‘idiot’ than an apologist.

Yo, Aimee, Derren Brown has done loads of documentaries debunking pseudoscience and supposed miracles. He makes no pretence that what he does is magical or gifted. But he does do what he does, and regularly tours live.

That’s interesting, I guess he thought only his brand of domestic violence was “justified”.

yeah no he’s a piece of shit

Unfortunately, no.

The last person I side-eyed in the gym was the girl listening to her music through her phone’s speakers.

Oh god I had a PE teacher in highschool that this was a problem if you caught it at the right angle.

If feeling cute motivates them to go to the gym, then power to them.

I’ve occasionally seen another woman at the gym and thought “Ooooh, those are cute, I wonder where she got them,” but that’s about it.

Jones went on to wonder, why had sweatpants fallen out of fashion?

People who defend R. Kelly are fucking monsters.

Your response here is evidence in support of her original thesis that wypipo are fragile.