
Actually, she looks all over AMAZING. Makeup, hair, dress... I LOVE that dress.

Thanks, friend!

Yup. And good for her for not having it.

This face! Amy is just not having anyone's bullshit!

Totally. To me it felt like she was just calling the interviewer on her bullshit. Those were some stupid questions to ask and Amy wasn't having it. Good for her!

Haha! Priceless!

Kristen! It's not polite not to share!

Thank you, you are awesome! Also, kudos for being able to track down PICTURES!

Thanks, friend.

Yes. #Iwokeuplikethis should totally be a thing. Is it a think in some alternate internet universe which I am not privy to (very likely, as my internet chops ~0)?

Please... I live in a country where SNL doesn't air and we have limited internet... could someone please take pity on me and tell me what episode that gif is from? Youtube link? Anything?

I just think we need more narratives, you know? More different stories so that girls can see themselves in all these different roles and imagine that they're possible for them. Or not. Or just use them as an escape from life's messiness. But we need to have them nonetheless.

Goodness! I haven't seen the movie until now, but this? This I gotta see. Thanks for the tip.

Best. Thread. Ever.

haha! (Please, god, no...)

THIS is why I love Jezebel commentators.

Like. Like. Like. To all of this thread. Ahem, I mean, recommend (because we're civilized here at Jezebel).

I think it's about more than wanting our celebrities to advocate our beliefs. It's about the fact that they are cultural influencers, and what they do affects the lives of us "regular" people very deeply (especially, though not only, young people).
And this brings me back to your comment about how people don't see the

God bless you.

White feminist here. Also with Flawless on repeat since the album came out.