
Man I remember Digimon World 3, that game probably has some of the best memories of gaming from my child-hood, it was an amazingly well done game. I just remember being devastated that the PAL version had more content the the US version.

Also, how the hell do you get a palmon to turn into lady-devimon, from my

I feel like they are going to get hit with an anti-trust suit for this.

When they announced the colors they made some comments about people using it as a travel accessory to enjoy their content on TV’s on the go. You’d probably notice it more and possibly care if you had it hanging off a bag and plugging it in to different things all the time.

Bendy cord, just bend it around to where you can’t see it.

Actually from the demo today it looks like it’s magnetic, and it looks like the plug has a magnetic in it too, they click the plug to the back of the cast a couple times. So that’s a possible mounting option.

Why does it matter? It’s hidden behind your TV and you will never see it.

Yes and no. Automatics tend to be extremely common in the US. In fact out of all the people I know, myself and my sister are the only people I know that daily drive a manual. And it isn’t like this in much of the rest of the world.

However, it is starting to move that way for the rest of the world too, we just haven’t

As a programmer you just gave me a new career goal. I’ve never wanted to work for the auto industry until now.

Oh alright, the ban makes way more sense now. The way things were worded it sounded like it activated the breaks normally, but just the rears.

BRZ! I’ve averaged 28.5 MPG during normal driving, which includes your occasional ‘spirited’, yet legal, runs up on-ramps at 7,500 RPM. Highway I get tend to get around 31 MPG, but have gotten as high as 33 MPG on a trip.

Seems like a stretch, but I guess I could kind of see an argument for that. If something were to happen and someone panicked having to separate brake systems would definitely be harder to safely stop. But at the same time, these are supposed to be professional racing drivers who have spent enough time on a track to

We have arguably the best doctors and surgeons in the world. But it is so damn expensive to go to them that no one except the outrageously wealthy can. Most people are poor enough, or have bad enough health coverage, that something like going to the emergency room for any reason could break you financially. Heck,

You forgot to mention the completely unbuttoned pink polo shirt and trying to look ‘gangsta’ by imitating flo-rida with the finger pistol thing.

Honestly, I don’t really get why they banned it either. If it was really that much better, the other teams would have moved to similar systems. Heck, it probably takes a more talented driver for that kind of setup, it isn’t like it is something that is letting him win with no skill involved.

That webcam is amazingly tempting... ugh I told myself I wouldn’t spend money on luxuries this week... damn you kinja deals.

That webcam is amazingly tempting... ugh I told myself I wouldn’t spend money on luxuries this week... damn you

You realize this article is about homemade cookies right? They are advocating the use of store brand chocolate chips in homemade cookies, not advocating store brand pre-made cookies.

Just for a typical desktop workload, a 750ti should be more than enough to run 4k. It would definitely buckle in games and if you are trying to do like 4k rendering, it will take a while. But you should be fine for most applications really.

Just for a typical desktop workload, a 750ti should be more than enough to run 4k. It would definitely buckle in

Historically I have been independent but have leaned republican on most issues. My state has closed primaries, and I am changing my registration to democrat just to vote for Sanders in the primaries.

All the republican candidates are a joke this election. I live in Ohio, Kasich is my governor, and as far as majority

As cool as that would be, I wouldn’t hold my breath.

Hell I think the BRZ/FR-S/GT-86 actually look significantly BETTER than the FT-86 concept.