
Actually they aren’t doing that bad. The toyobaru twins have typically been outselling their competition. Heck they even outsold the new miata this august.

Technically all chairs ever made are anti-gravity devices. They do stop your butt from failing to the ground when you sit on them.

I feel like that is a reward, not a punishment...

So this is the new car and not some like racing-spec stylized veyron right?

TP-Link is one of the largest brands of consumer networking equipment worldwide. So large in fact that they are the company that is manufacturing Google’s router that was announced a few weeks ago.

TP-Link is one of the largest brands of consumer networking equipment worldwide. So large in fact that they are the

I bet they would. The would probably offer $200-300 then take it immediately to a scrap yard and get $400-500 out of it.

Can we get that expanded to include Time Warner too?

4 weeks PTO per year is so nice to have. So glad that I work for a firm that gives 4 weeks minimum to all employees, heck if I stay here 10 years I get 5.

Yeah heck, I live in a relatively small city ~17.5K population, but real-estate and apartments are in such high demand here land lords would laugh at you and wait 15 minutes for the next renter if you tried to negotiate. Most apartments are on the market for just a few days.

So I wonder if that means that 1 year down the road when the free upgrades are done if it basically means we are screwed?

The upgrade process gives you a generic key that still won’t technically work on a clean install, so the ProduKey/Magic Jelly Bean keyfinder thing won’t work with 10 upgrades. But. Microsoft has changed how windows authenticates too.

You do need to run the upgrade process, that will register your computer in the

My power company doesn’t quite go that far, but they do offer special pricing on LED bulbs. I picked up 10 (the max per year) of the Cree 60W equivalents for just $3 a piece.

My power company doesn’t quite go that far, but they do offer special pricing on LED bulbs. I picked up 10 (the max

When was the last time you bought a router? All the modern routers I’ve worked with it is relatively easy to do. Heck I bought an Asus 3200AC a while ago when they first came out and it’s literally a breeze to port forward on that thing. It even preloads a list of devices on the network with their names and IP’s in

Now that I could get behind, I would totally buy a replica of the 2000GT as long as it was of sufficient quality.

Unluckily for me, I’ve been through this experience before. I know how I would react. A friend called me, told me what he knew, I thanked him. Called my then-girlfriend, asked her about it, and then broke up with her.

That friend and I have since went our separate ways, but it wasn’t because of that scenario. It was

Very good point, it has a lot to do with the “cheatee’s” perspective and personality. I have always been a person who holds honesty and loyalty above just about anything else so it just kind of makes sense that telling me is what I would expect. I would never get mad at someone about potentially warning me.

These cars are so amazingly beautiful and modern looking despite being how old they are. I have always wanted one but know that I will never be able to afford it.

You’re not alone, I am of the same mind.

I dated a girl for about 4.5 years from the very end of middle school up until graduating high school. I found out she had been cheating on me for a while at the end of things and I honestly wished someone would have told me.

When I did find out that some people knew, all of

I’m sorry, rereading that I came off pretty harsh and I honestly didn’t mean to. It’s just not a solution that is viable for me and I was trying to explain why, I just did an absolutely poor job of conveying that. It’s been a rough week for me and a I am bit frustrated and testy, apparently that is coming through in

Same here, bought a ‘15 BRZ instead of waiting. Had there been a PRHT I probably would have went with the Miata.