
I’m 23 right now, and I am not sure if this is a generational thing, or a personality thing (I am an odd mix of computer geek and outdoorsment), but I really have this hope that someday when I can buy/build a home, that I can make it essentially self sufficient energy wise.

I think it would be amazing to have a solar

I know what you mean. I’m 23 and single, and by the time I get home from work, make dinner, and workout, it’s already 10pm and if I want to do anything to relax (watch tv, listen to music, play games, hangout with friends), I am staying up later than I should be.

Where were these statistics pulled from? Where I live $56k is about the price of the average home sale.

No I did not, he said:

Alright, I just misinterpreted the comment, sorry about that.

You don’t turn your computer off or at least put it into sleep/hibernate at night? That’s a pretty big waste of power there.

Funny thing, I’ve been going to the gym for about 2 months now and was planning on setting up the tripod and marking off a spot to do weekly progress pics tonight. At least number wise I’ve noticed minimal weight loss over the past 2 months, just a couple pounds, but I’ve noticed a huge improvement in how quickly my

And their employees. From what I understand both walmart and amazon treat their employees worse than crap and I am sure they will be having a great time handling the influx of orders.

Yeah like that’ll happen. Gotta remember they gave Apple a patent on rectangles just a few years ago.

I really wish they would bring the T-Boxx over. I’ve been wanting to pick up a few T-Boxxes for a while, since they are superior to the I-Boxxes in a lot of ways, but no go so far.

For those of you that are IT people or computer geeks like me. Grab a flat sheet of sturdy cardboard (or anything else thin and sturdy really), hot glue a bunch of toilet paper rolls, standing up on end, onto one side of the cardboard sheet in a nice grid. I also recommend gluing the rolls to each other along the

Bought a BRZ a few months ago as my first manual car, holy crap was I nervous driving it home cause I still didn’t feel like i ‘knew’ how to drive a manual.

What I did was this:
- Tutor older sister in math for 3 or 4 years while she attends college
- Decide to buy manual
- Tell said older sister you are going to be

In a lot of ways, I want to get one, but living in an apartment, it could be a lot more hassle than it’s worth, especially reverting back when I eventually move out. Oh how I would love to own a home.

Good to know, had no idea.

What do you mean by that? I don’t know of any residential homes that have adaptive baffling to control like some larger commercial buildings. I mean, that would be awesome, but stupid expensive for a house.

Or do you just mean that it runs the heat/AC longer/shorter so that the desired temp is hit in the most

Out of curiosity, does it pull it’s outdoor temps from an actual sensor or just a weather service like accuweather?

While I have neither of these, from what I understand Nest’s smoke alarms can also expand it’s motion detecting capabilities.

I was actually looking into the Fenix UC40 yesterday too. Little more expensive, and runs on 18650’s but is USB rechargeable, and unlike the S10R, is just a straight up Micro-B connector instead of a proprietary dock. I feel like this will be a good option for me.

The reason I wanted to stick to AA’s is simply because

I was actually looking into the Fenix UC40 yesterday too. Little more expensive, and runs on 18650’s but is USB

Any recommendations for a camping/hiking/backpacking flashlight, preferably one that runs on AA’s? I see Fenix has the LD41-2015 Edition, but from the measurements it looks like it is giant compared to this thing.

Any recommendations for a camping/hiking/backpacking flashlight, preferably one that runs on AA’s? I see Fenix has

Depending on where you live. A $300,000 dollar home where I live would be a freaking mansion at about 3-4 times the average home cost of the area.